Who will run in 2020?

And I don’t wanna talk to a scientist
Y’all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed



AOC never wins her primary in your system. Removing the ability for candidates to win by driving voter turnout would only benefit candidates with high name recognition. People won’t be writing in members of ICP, they’ll be pulling the lever for who they recognize. Usually that will be the incumbent. A system where incumbents have to try even less to maintain their position is in fact worse than what we have now. The answer is to ensure access for those who want to vote, not forcing it on everyone.


If you think the default position of the typical disaffected voter is pro establishment you’re really out of touch.

Difference between disaffected and apathetic. Some people just aren’t political at all and trust others to decide for them.

Which you can argue is the correct position to take if you pay no attention to politics and know that you know nothing about each candidate. At least until the brownshirts bust down your door and deport your nana. Then you might wish you played it differently.

so uhhhhhh hillary is now 3rd on predictit’s 2020 dem nominee market @ 11c

right wing rumor machine swirling that the “clinton mafia” are behind the ukraine stuff (to take down biden). Only a matter of time before the crazier alt right figures start rumors that her team gave Bernie a heart attack

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Fading that seems like the freest of free money. Then again I thought fading Trump was free money. Lol me.

Btw I’m willing to bet that if Warren gets the nom she’ll beat Trump - if anyone’s interested. Keeed?

yeah hillary to run in 2020 has gone from like 15c to 24c today

Sounds like someone grifting the JRE crowd.

Okay but is there a better chance of her odds running again or of her being the brokered replacement for Trump?

Finally, we see that the Dems had to let Trump win if they wanted HRC to technically get three terms as Prez :thinking:


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Nope. The vast majority of politically disconnected nonvoters believe that things are fine, government is generally good or at least necessary, and whatever problems they have are personal, not the fault of corrupt politicians. USA is #1 after all. No reason to upset the apple cart. The fact that Joe Biden is still considered a top contender in 2020 makes me think my read is probably right here.

Things are basically fine if you’re white, healthy, born in the US, middle class or above and not saddled with student debt. Hey - I’m all those things so everyone else can just fuck right off.

Haven’t mentioned this before but I currently live in Iowa. This being the first time I will be living in Iowa leading up to a Presidential election has and I’m sure will continue to be very interesting. I was contacted by 4 different campaigns this weekend alone (Warren, Sanders, Harris and lol Gabbard).

Not sure what the sourcing is that campaigns are using to contact me by but I’ve found it very interesting and at times surprising who is and isn’t contacting me. Note: You have to be registered under a party to participate in a primary in Iowa so wife and I are both registered Democrat, so that is one likely source.

Campaigns who have contacted us the most/most visible: Warren and Sanders

Campaigns who have contacted us at least once so far: Yang, Beto, Harris, Pete, Gabbard

Notably missing campaigns: Biden, Booker, Castro, Klobuchar

I’ll continue to keep this thread updated on what’s happening in Iowa if that is of interest to people but my early read is that Biden could be in for a rude awakening here. From what I’ve seen so far, a finish outside of the top 3 is in play.

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CA is important this year and I don’t think I would have been contacted by anyone if I hadn’t contacted them first. So far only Bernie and Yang (I entered his contest). I am not registered with a party.

I feel like all the campaigns have been notoriously slow this time in CA. Maybe not Harris?

No one has offices or ground games yet except Sanders from last time. All you’ve got right now are grassroots groups, and we don’t have the voter info that’s used for canvassing and phone banking. So you’re more likely to find people setting up booths at markets and fairs, etc right now, and none of them are “campaign official”.

Don’t worry, it’s coming.

I don’t understand why no one is campaigning in CA when apart from the obvious benefit of swaying primary voters there should be a decent amount of donations to be solicited.

hey, i’m with you. My group has been dying for on the ground campaign support for a while…as have my friends in the Warren and Yang camps.

pretty much the only stuff you’re seeing in CA right now is from grassroots groups, and those reach people who are actively looking, for the most part, rather than the other way around.

How are they contacting you?