Who will run in 2020?

I think it’s more like he’s staying in for the delegates but is no longer thinking of winning. The guy’s in his late seventies and just had a heart attack, that seems pretty likely to me. Which sucks, really hope I’m wrong.

Let’s play a quick game of which number is crazier

Who will win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination?

  • Hilldawg
  • Yang

0 voters

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Yang, obv. I can envision weird scenarios where Hillary gets it. There is no scenario where Yang even sniffs it. I’m honestly having trouble imagining him getting a single delegate.

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The best way to punish Hillary is to force her to witness someone else become the first female president

Yup… Agreed, I get the same feeling. :confused:

One of the worst Democratic senators endorses one of the worst Democrats running for president:


You can definitely take “one of the” off of at least one of those.

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I’m not 100% convinced that Biden is worse than Klobuchar, and I’m not 100% convinced that Feinstein is worse than Schumer.

Otherwise, I agree.

Tie goes to the one who’s not losing their mind.

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How the hell has Feinstein not been primaried? Lol olds, isn’t she like 85?

She was not only primaried, she actually faced off against another (and more liberal) Democrat in 2018 because of California’s weird primary system.

Feinstein won, despite help from Republicans voting for de Leon because they hated Feinstein so much.

Just remember this whenever someone says “CA GOAT”.


It’s not like we mean GOAT in the whole world, just in the United States. State wide, CA doesn’t really have Republicans anymore - instead we have Feinsteins. At least we all agree that the good guys won the Civil War. That’s more than most states can say.

I might not have this right, but I feel like I remember something about you being from Vermont? If so, pretty GOAT.

lol don’t care; I’m shorting both.

Indeed I am from VT. We do have our own old useless senator, though.

I am proud that the six New England states have ZERO Republicans in the 21 allocated seats in House of Representatives. And with any luck, Maine will boot out the sole Republican of the 12 senators next year.

I think Yang is crazier because his chance to win is somewhere between Gell-Mann’s totalitarian principle and the chance that Skynet is already online and hacking the DNC primaries, whereas HRC’s equity is just that somebody Godfather 3 helicopters one of the next debates, which is probably more a lot more likely, although still ~0.

CA weather GOAT.

CA economy GOAT.

CA politics, utterly corrupt and ineffective - but at least just lining their pockets and not actively destroying the world.

This is super super super low on the list of reasons why she’s horrible, but all I think of when her name comes up is her belittling those children a few months (a year?) ago.

Just a miserable person.



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This will be my last pro Yang post.

He is one of only two presidential candidates that get it.

3:04 to 4:00 mark.

Joe awake today, relatively strong speech against the dotard in NH just now. At least he can still read prepared remarks unlike the dotard, although off the cuff who knows who has lost fewer marbles.