Who will run in 2020?

They hire actual people on the ground. PAC’s basically just buy ads. Good for getting your megaphone bigger, and the people spending the money don’t care that much about the $/efficiency ratio. A few million dollars to a person/entity with billions at their disposal is the same as me sending 50 bucks to Nancy Pelosi’s primary challenger because I’m annoyed at her.

At this point I actually think PAC money isn’t worth it. It’s better to look not corrupt than it is to have people blasting massive numbers of negative ads about your opponents (and most PAC ads are negative).



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Biden is +29 in the latest South Carolina poll. It’s going to be just great if a bunch of states which will 100% go Trump in the general stick us with Biden.


California primary is early this year which is going to make my vote hard. If Liz v Bernie finishes with one ahead of the other in all of IA, NH, NV, and SC I’ll vote for the leader. If they chop it up,I dunno.

Liz for me. But if she’s buried at that point I’ll vote Bernie.

I truly believe that if we somehow get Liz or Bernie they will wafflecrush Trump. Biden is a flip at best. 18-39 year-old voting rates are the sleeping tiger that’s already starting to wake up.

For some reason the youngsters like Bernie a lot more than Liz - at least polling goes that way.

I’ve posted a bit about this, but I think young people get a bad rap regarding voter turnout. It’s harder to vote when you’re young. Live in the same house and have the same polling station for 15 years or even better get your ballot mailed to you and it’s a lot easier. If 60 year olds were moving every year - maybe more than once a year, their turnout would go way down.

Anyway, CA will be big in the primary and it’s like a 3 way tie in the last poll. This will suck if Biden squeaks it out with Bernie and Liz a hair behind.

I didn’t vote when I was young. But we also didn’t feel like anything mattered. Young people today are facing global warming, a racist white nationalist movement that goes all the way up to POTUS, unaffordable housing, and a student debt crisis. They have real reasons to be involved.

Look at the differences - amazing. All the rates went up - but young voters went up more. 18-29 had the highest jump of any of the groups by a lot.

I think they’ll love Liz when it comes down to it. Half of them are probably barely paying attention right now.

Also Republicans can only suppress the young vote so much.

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more than half, I’d say, especially in CA. From what I’ve seen on the ground, anyway.

(not paying attention, I mean)

Shit, I’ve talked to people who still think our primary is in June

I’m “no party preference” and online I don’t seem to be able to select the 2020 primary to request a Democratic voter ballot (I’m permanent vote by mail). I guess that will become available? Or maybe I’m looking in the wrong spot? Last time I had to go to Norwalk to vote in the primary.

call your county registrar of voters, they should be able to tell you. every county is different (some have a website, some dont, etc)

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You guys really need to sort out your election stuff … it just goes on and on … and this just a who to put on the ticket.

Our next election could happen while i’m taking a long nap … not that that’s a good thing but whatever

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Good article which sort of ties into how I’ve been feeling lately. Warren seems like the perfect candidate for the world I want to live in. Unfortunately that world doesn’t exist and reality is such a shitshow that the best play may be to have Bernie blow it all up.

But I have still have serious doubts that Sanders could be a good president. The best case scenario I can imagine is that he helps wreck everything, while somebody else will have to put the pieces back together afterwards, if there’s anything left.

If she wins, hopefully she picks some of that up. She seems to be campaigning a bit less like a professor with all these selfies.

Means-testing does mostly suck imo, for society and strategically.

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Trump is the more efficient choice if you want to blow it all up.

What would Bernie blow up? Think he’ll like eliminate the Treasury Department? Refuse to sign budget bill? Disband congress? Fail to bomb foreign countries when we are expected to?

Hopefully he does one or two of those.

A Sanders presidency is going to be very disruptive to a political system that is already pretty shaky. Much more disruptive than a Warren presidency imo.

I don’t doubt it really, but it’s hard to say how. His reputation I think is way more disruptive and less compromising than his voting record.

All the way up to 35.6%.