Who will run in 2020?

Hey joe trump wants you tried for treason and summarily executed.


Awesome…12 candidates on stage for the next debate.

I’m not watching that.

This is so dumb and it’s starting to matter, primaries are under 4 months away. I’d like to hear people speak, not maximize the chance of some sleepy Joe gangbang from the 2% crowd.


Yeah not watching that. Would much rather watch 2 nights of 6.

Okay you won’t watch it, but will you at least play the drinking game?

Your statement sounds completely political. You’re trying to remove the ‘will’ of an election by putting it in those terms. This should be about the fact that the guy has committed unlimited crimes and is completely selling out our country, not about whether he should have ever been there in the first place.

Anyone truly paying attention is getting exactly what we expected to happen upon his election. It’s way worse in some ways, but we’re still not in a nuclear war or an actual war with a country yet. So, I guess there’s that.

If any legislation about his crimes passes the House, it’s not likely to pass the Senate. This is a real conundrum, but getting GOP senators to vote for allowing crimes and corruption should play well at the ballot box.

Who’s running the debate?

I am okay with that as long as they do it Royal Rumble style.

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I play the drinking game every day :expressionless:


I have been much more interested in the longer-format forums that have been happening. The next one is this:

So much better than the shitshow debates.

there was a gun reform one a few days ago, and the climate one a couple weeks back. All of these are so much more informative. I wish the general public would pay more attention to those than the “debates”

The general public has the attention span of a drugged up kitten. Hence trump being president in the first place.

lol Beto

Q2 for Beto was $3.6 million so raising more than that puts him somewhere between Williamson and Booker according to ABC’s Q3 list.

lol Beto indeed.


Hope the money is worth it Joe

That’s just direct contributions to individual candidates, right? I’d be shocked if money from pacs doesn’t dwarf those numbers.

Elizabeth Warren had a new DNA test done that conclusively proves she is 100% that B


PAC money can’t be used to actually run a campaign. There’s a very real diminishing return on money spent on TV ads. A dollar to a campaign directly is easily worth several dollars to a PAC.

Plus Warren is running one of the most efficient campaigns I’ve ever seen. Her cost basis AND the competence she gets for it is great hiring outside the usual political suspects. It’s almost like her entire campaign isn’t a giant grift on behalf of political insiders.

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This seems ridiculous. Why do corps and lobbyists donate millions to PACs and super PACs then? And what do campaigns do with the money that PACs don’t that makes it so much more valuable?