Who will run in 2020?

National polls don’t actually matter though (although she’s ahead of him in a couple on fivethirtyeight from the last couple of weeks). This is a primary. Iowa/NH/NV/SC matter. Biden is still leading in SC but he’s in deep shit everywhere else. There’s also the matter of the trend going against him hard… and if you add Warren to Sanders he’s losing baaaaadly. Remember that Sanders can give his delegates to Warren, and absolutely will.

I also have very little trust for the ‘likely voter’ polls being conducted right now. They haven’t ever called anyone I know because none of us have landlines. Most everyone I know is voting in their primary. Like 100% of them. People are super fired up.

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I don’t remember that and I’m sure it’s not universally true if ever. The rules for how the delegates must vote vary by state, but I’d be surprised if in any states the delegates have to vote for whoever the candidate says they have to vote for. How could there even be a discussion about a brokered convention if the candidates could just make deals.



I could be wrong. Regardless I’m reasonably certain Warren is going to have a conclusive lead in SC by the time SC rolls around. Biden has been losing altitude almost since he announced… and Warren just keeps on plugging away-- mostly at Biden’s support.

Oof. I wanted him to drop out and help Warren, but this is not what I had in mind.

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Damn that is super shitty, all the best to Bernie



Most of the people I know that age have had stents put in at some point and they’ve all recovered from that quickly. My mom had some put in like 6 years ago. I hope this is the case here - it’s almost routine nowadays.

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I may have to have this done soon :/

Cardiologist says it’s pretty routine and I’ll be back on my feet in a day or two and feel 1000% better. Also life expectancy is not negatively affected by the procedure, people who have it done can lead a long normal life as if they had never needed it in the first place.

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I’m actually really glad to hear Bernie is probably going to be fine.

In other news this guy obviously has no support and no shot: Andrew Yang raises $10 million in third quarter - POLITICO

Wishing Bernie all the best :muscle:


GL to you Namath. You’ll be fine, but still scary.


Hoping Bernie makes a fast and full recovery. I’m dreading seeing the coverage of this from MSM and Republicans though.


Stents are no big deal but I’m dreading the narrative for sure

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First Dem to attack him over it deserves a falcon punch to the crotch


I’m glad to hear Bernie is doing fine, but it seems like Warren is the candidate of destiny.

Warren using the Clinton playbook of murdering your opponents.


A+ troll.


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Candidates release their delegates from their requirement to vote for their pledged candidate, IIRC.