Who will run in 2020?

This is just wrong.

Bernie is actually far more hostile to the media than the media is to Bernie (I quoted his campaign chair going hard at Nate Silver for reasonable analysis earlier). I understood his strategy in 2016, he was a massive underdog so it made sense to go after the media even though it was a lie just to raise his floor and develop a base that trusts the candidate way more than less biased sources. But now he actually has a shot of winning and needs to try to be a candidate for the whole party. The same
2016 aggressive stance towards the media is now lowering his ceiling rather than lifting his floor.

I’m not sure this is even true but maybe the fawning Bernie stories were already written last year and Warren is getting more than her share of good coverage now just because it’s more interesting than copy/paste from last cycle.

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It’s not really corrupt because the VP had pretty much 0 power to help this energy company even if he wanted to. Hunter Biden was hired so they could brag about having a famous politician’s kid on their board. It’s much closer to Meghan McCain being on the View than the legit corruption with Kushner and Jr/Eric funneling Saudi/Russian money into private businesses for beneficial treatment from the current president.

just catching up.

Bernie seems to be in good health otherwise, so a stent shouldn’t be too disruptive. my dad was in terrible health when he had one put in 15 years ago, and he’s still alive. Get well soon, Bernie, we still need your voice.


Stent shouldn’t be too disruptive, but this might be fatal to his campaign.

I don’t think he’s going to be overtly attacked on it, but any health problem he has is just going to remind everyone that he is 78.

Well so much for Bernie being in office.

Guy better have a solid VP if he gets the nom.

depends on how much the MSM harps on it. They’re pretty busy right now with Trump’s batshit craziness, so it might actually fly under the radar enough for it to not be fatal.

Warren is winning in 3 out of the last 4 national polls. Her RCP average is -1.7 from Biden.

Best of luck to Bernie.

In unrelated news, Warren wants to tax lobbying, and while it isn’t a panacea, it seems like a good idea.

HRC got lightheaded once in September 2016, the rightwing made a huge deal of it, and it worked. In that word cloud with the giant “emails”, the word “health” is tied for second place.


My lawbro friend is crying how this is unconstitutional

Fuck your lawbro friend. The only people I hate more than lobbyists are the lawyers. They have this professional tendency to equate legal with moral and ethical… which is very convenient since way north of 50% of legal bills are incurred either fucking people or defending people from getting fucked. I’d guess it’s close to 90% actually… but remember every monstrous rich person is entitled to the best legal defense/offense that money can buy.


Gotta respect the hustle.


what the fuck


Williamson is that John Travolta meme from Pulp Fiction come to life. How she has even 1% is mind blowing

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she gets people that vote purely on emotion

Uh, a study from 2016? His coverage was largely positive in 2016, I wouldn’t claim otherwise. Things have changed. In part the positive coverage in 2016 was because nobody thought he would win. Underdogs get “check out this plucky upstart candidate” coverage because that’s an interesting story to tell.

The same study, by the way, says that Trump’s coverage was largely positive. Again, things have changed.




I’m grunching and don’t really care, but the problems with the media coverage of Bernie were especially from WaPo and somewhat NYT. And newspaper coverage is dwarfed by cable news coverage anyway - did it measure both? And what the cable news did was ignore Bernie, like when they showed an empty podium waiting for Trump for 30 minutes while Bernie was doing a town hall or something.

Interestingly I just saw that on FB (I follow Warren)

You said the establishment media is hostile to Sanders. Based on what? I don’t think too many Bernie supporters thought the coverage was fair in 2016 and certainly not the campaign chairs from their public statements. I’d be surprised if any data shows his coverage is any more negative this time around.

it doesn’t. It says Trump got the greatest share of negative coverage on issues besides Clinton.