Who will run in 2020?

I don’t dismiss it. There was impeachable obstruction for sure. I was sky high pumped when the Mueller team was first put together and then slowly but surely realized it was going to be a big fat nothing burger. As for Russia. Do I think they interfered in our elections? Absolutely. Do I think we interfere in other government’s elections? Absofuckinglutely! Christ, we take part in overthrowing other governments. This was never going to be the thing that brought trump down

As for my top ones in no particular order: Yemen. Giving racists a platform. Breaking emolument clauses left and right by profiting off the presidency. Incompetence. Nepotism. Advanced senility and/or dementia and therefore being wholly unfit to run a hot dog stand let alone preside over the USA. Lying to the public. Disrespecting the constitution and just about every norm you can think of. Bullying. I could go on and on…

Some of those are not grounds for impeachment. But alright.

Correct of course. His Immigration policy has literally killed people already

His environmental policies and setbacks to a movement that was finally gaining ground will do the most harm and kill the most I’d think.

I like to think that as soon as he’s out of office all those policies will be immediately overturned. But tbh, I’m not sure what’s possible through executive orders

But this is why it’s so important to nominate the most radical progressive we’ve got (and of course, in my opinion that would be Sanders). One who will slam on the brakes and do an immediate 180 on environmental policies, equality, corporate greed, single payer M4A, and wealth disparity, We don’t have time for another establishment Dem who caters to the centrists. This has got to be full steam to the left! This includes not letting Biden or any other Dem off the hook for corruption as well

You are kind of preaching to the choir. But at the same time I’m not about to downplay trumps wrongs and will be happy no matter how he gets got if he does.

Sorry to everyone if I’ve been taking my real life frustrations out on here. I don’t mean to preach. I’m subjected to listening to numerous people every day at work going on about how important it is for this country to reach a middle ground and that’s why mayor Pete or Biden are the way to go. It’s work, and some are my superiors so I can’t even scream at them lol. I’m looked at as the dumb naive kid who doesn’t know how the world works yet

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Its all good Biden sucks, im sure getting his son a job is one of his minor corruptions, and ill be happy if he pulls out.

It’s absolutely right to point out that defending status quo corruption over extreme and murderous Trump style corruption is not a good strategy.

Being hit in the face with a brick is better than being shot in the head, but you aren’t going to win any voters by supporting it.

It’s a long shot imo, but a potential benefit of Trump might be that run of the mill corruption gets snuffed out.


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LOL Biden. Literally the only people doing worse on that metric are ‘vote for magic’ and ‘vote for me because Putin actually prefers me to Trump’.

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Interesting that the increase in Warren’s support doesn’t appear to be at the expense of Bernie.

She’s gaining with African Americans as well. I don’t think this is going to look like it was close in hindsight. Warren is running away with this thing in real time. She’s not just the front runner she’s steadily pulling away.

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I think she’s already peeled off as many Bernie supporters as possible and the ones he has left are Bernie or Bust.

Bernie is going to throw his weight enthusiastically behind her. They’re actual friends. It’s not going to be anything like it was with HRC where he personally disliked her and felt wronged by her (because he was to be fair). Also Warren is basically for the same set of policies. I’m genuinely looking forward to the speech where Bernie tells his supporters to go big for Warren and hands over a small mountain of small donor campaign cash (and keeps it coming in using his frankly incredible small donor network).

And the Bernie supporters reading this know I’m right. There’s a reason Warren and Bernie went back to back to fight the centrists in the debates rather than attacking each other. They’re on the same team.


I hope you’re right and he drops out early enough that he doesn’t split the progressive vote and give Biden a boost in early primaries. I donated a ton to his 2016 campaign and was all for him this time around until Warren showed she was a better Bernie.

I was in full agreement until Warren pushed past Biden with Bernie still in the race. I think she’s going to make that lead bigger between now and Iowa. I don’t think Bernie has to concede before Super Tuesday. Warren probably has this primary in the bag.

Biden is still +11 in the last two national polls on RCP.