Who will run in 2020?

Definitely seems like the right answer on the question is (C) All of the above.

Seems like im saying Trump is more corrupt then Biden in getting their kids jobs they are unqualified for and they are both corrupt.

But i do know this. If its a choice between pulling the lever for trump or Biden corruption on that matter its not hard.

Wow a rich well connected person got a cushy job they probably weren’t qualified for. This is a huge story that applies exclusively to Joe Biden’s family and zero other public figures, and certainly not 99% of them. Can you believe the Democrats are impeaching Trump over a phone call? They should retroactively impeach Biden.

PS: Let em try to come for my guns.


Good lord you are the try-hardest-working man in troll business.


I 100% agree with this. Neither of them have any business holding any position at the WH. My only point was that since nobody ever divested from their business interests the China trademark grift scheme was at least in line with their businesses

I just think it’s a huge mistake for Dems to pretend not to notice what Biden did or wave it off, because using the position of the Vice Presidency to get your son some fake job making $50k/mo., not to mention whatever he did, or didn’t do, to get a prosecutor fired is pretty messed up. I have no idea how much, if any, merit that story has. My only point is, if it’s not illegal, it’s still some major league high level grift that Trump in all his bluster can easily turn into a major talking/deflection point if Dems just want to impeach him over a phone call to investigate said grift, while looking the other way for Biden

Again, my concern is that this Ukrainian phone call thing might not be as big of a deal as MSM is making out. I think it’s more likely that once again his lawyers or others around him get fucked than Trump. If so, the Dems are getting outplayed yet again while his much more serious crimes and unfitness continue on unabated

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I think your father is an outlier when it comes to “rejecting” news. As much as I’ve come to dislike CNN, I don’t think they outright lie about anything like F&F. They’re just dishonest and disingenuous when it comes to non reporting and selective reporting and I’m so sick to death of their talking head opinions. Just give me the news and let me digest and spin it as I see fit

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Can you stop saying it was just a phone call. It was extortion.


And it wasn’t just extortion, it was extortion for the purpose of suppressing the franchise of ~65 million people who vote for Democrats (again). It’s understandable that this frame is often missed, because even Democratic leaders would rather talk about defending America and garble garble bipartisanship, but it is the political interests of Democratic voters, not some non-existent America, that are under attack.


They also were holding the country of Ukraine hostage in the scenario. It’s extortion that could lead to extraordinarily bad circumstances for Ukraine. It’s just another straight evil thing this admin did to appease a crying baby.

And please don’t forget that half the people on that call wouldn’t have been on it if his closest handlers thought he would stray off script the way he did.

Why the hell are you losers defending Biden? This is how we get Biden vs Trump.

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No one defended Biden.

This. Sure what Trump is doing is many magnitudes more corrupt but that doesn’t mean progressives should ignore family conflicts of interest and yeah I’ll say it, even Emails! on a private servers. Every time we defend HRC and Biden we open the door a little more for the Trump’s of the world.

Yeah, only losers do that.

Sometimes I wonder if people even read my posts.


I read nobody’s posts.


I still think it ranks near the bottom of his impeachable offenses and/or why the 25th should be invoked

Edit: I should probably amend this. Strong arming a foreign government to go after a political opponent is pretty fucking bad. But is anyone really surprised that Trump fights dirty, or was capable of doing this, or hasn’t already done worse?

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You dismiss the Russia stuff too. What are the top ones?

I read your posts.


Nice takedown of the superrich “threatening” Liz Warren.
