Who will run in 2020?

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Not sure what level this is on.


johnny and sally come latelys coming in the windows
which is good!
but holy shit thatā€™s a big ass elephant



ā€œIā€™m Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message.ā€

Seriously if you can judge someone by their enemies Warren is the GOAT.


Right. I know all about this. Thereā€™s no question he and family are profiting off the presidency. Theyrā€™e not even making a secret about it. But how does it look if Dems donā€™t get out in front of this and condemn Biden? Trump made a phone call to get dirt on a guy who used his position while in power to get his rehabbing son a job for which he was totally unqualified for. You could make a case that at least Trump and Ivanka are better suited to market fashion for their own companies than Hunter was to be paid $50k/mo to sit on the board of some energy firm

All Iā€™m saying is Iā€™m scared to death this will bite us in the ass come 2020. Our enemy isnā€™t just Trump as bad as he is. Itā€™s to end political corruption. We need to call it out whenever we see it on both sides or weā€™re branded as hypocrites (which is exactly what corporate Dems are) and Trump wins again

The way to handle the Biden thing is to just nominate Warren instead. I called for him to drop out earlier, but I think that makes it look more real and helps Trump. Hopefully he just drops out after he loses Iowa/NH and doesnā€™t do as well as expected in SC.

What do you mean ā€œmoreā€ real? It IS very real! If we look away and allow Biden to continue running up to the primaries while impeaching a president for a phone call I think it looks really bad and works in Trumpā€™s favor is all Iā€™m saying. You can expect nonstop tweets about how corrupt and hypocritical the Dems are. Witch hunt, etc.That shit works!

Yes Iā€™ve been yelling that itā€™s real for days now as well. Iā€™m saying it actively helps Trumps spin campaign if Biden himself acts like itā€™s real. Itā€™s obviously real and will obviously do enormous harm to his candidacyā€¦ but I donā€™t want him to drop out for at least a few more news cycles.



Mayor Pete raised just over $19 mil.



Facebook continues to be the worst. Please stop using Facebook if you are still using it.

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Curious as to why and/or what Iā€™m missing. I donā€™t pretend to be a good strategist lol

I canā€™t imagine that at any point in his post-natal life Zuck wasnā€™t a completely terrible human. Fuck him.

How will I know what events are happening though? Literally the only reason I continue to use Facebook.


She is not doing fashion in her white house position. I dont know what she is doing but its not fashion.

Who do you think is more over their head in their ā€œjobā€ Jared Kushner negotiating middle east peace or Bidenā€™s son? Which is more critical?

As far as Biden goes i dont like him, boot him for all i care.

Obviously Hunter was extremely well qualified for his Ukraine gig. You might say he was uniquely qualified (Malia was probably too young to get any sort of board seat, right?).

I have no idea how qualified he was. But its bound to be more then Jared Kushner is in negotiating middle east peace.

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Hunter can be less useless than Jared (unclear if he is but itā€™s plausible) but his Ukraine gig would still be transparently corrupt. How is this even a question?

Since i never questioned it was corrupt only less corrupt (and critical) then trump putting his kids and family in powerful postilions you will need to ask someone else.

sounds like whataboutism bro