Who will run in 2020?

Right, but it’s super inconsistent and lazy to pimp Bernie as the instant solution. Like, your whole brand is “WAAF, let’s at least find some humor in it,” but you think Bernie (and only Bernie) would magically fix it all?

The principled advocacy of Bernie is good! I support it and think it’s good for America! But that support implies you think political progress is possible, and shitting on Liz because she’s taking votes from Bernie is counter productive.

I would vote for a confirmed pedophile who is not a racist fascist over Trump.

You probably already did, twice.


They both go hard to the paint against the “establishment” media for perceived slights which often amounts to getting mad at the media for doing their job. The Trump administration is a gigantic dumpster fire and at a much, much smaller scale the Sanders campaign isn’t doing so well. Of course the blame for that mostly lies with Trump and Sanders respectively, but it’s actually the medias fault according to the Trump/Sanders twitterverse.

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pop·​u·​list | \ ˈpä-pyə-list \

Definition of populist

(Entry 1 of 2)

1 : a member of a political party claiming to represent the common peopleespecially, often capitalized : a member of a U.S. political party formed in 1891 primarily to represent agrarian interests and to advocate the free coinage of silver and government control of monopolies

2 : a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

(from Merriam Webster)

This forum man.


I don’t agree with your dad that most of these things are nothing burgers, but do agree that MSM is a joke and mainly interested in stirring up controversy and increasing their ratings. CNN et.al., doesn’t even pretend to be a journalistic news station anymore. Also, I’m a Bernie bro :grin:

Your dad can adopt me. Sounds like we’d get along lol

Can I meet your Dad?

I’m a little psyched about this Ukraine business mostly because I would love Trump to be impeached for any reason at all. I’d prefer if he were impeached for his illegal and unconstitutional Muslim Ban, or immigration actions or perhaps even just for being so stupid.
Wouldn’t that be great? The articles of Impeachment just saying “because he’s too stupid to be POTUS”. But I have been sick to death of Russia for a long time. It doesn’t help that my wife has MSNBC on an embarrassing amount of time every day. It’s not quite the way some people mainline Fox, but it’s close.

I do think there’s a lot of it that is just political theater and that many many Democrats would shrug similar things off if the shoe were on the other foot. I angrily posted and deleted something earlier about how a lot of Dems will have the chance to prove themselves or show their true colors if Biden becomes POTUS. Was he the lesser of two evils? Or is whatever BS and atrocities President Biden commits going to be no big deal? I think a lot of Dems and media really really want to talk a lot about Russia and such things because they really don’t want to find out things like maybe a really large percentage of Democrats do want 13 million people deported and they do not want refugees from the Middle East or Haiti or The Bahamas.

You’re absolutely right and it’s a terrible and impeachable offense. I could definitely whatabout this with a lot of things, but what’s troubling to me in this is in all the Russia story no one even thinks about whether or not we want $230M in military aid going to Ukraine to fight Russia. Like there’s no danger in this? And we forget that this is new money that Trump is giving that Obama didn’t give. Trump is adding sanctions and military support against Russia and none of that is of interest to Democrats because Trump being under Putin’s influence is a much better story than flirting with war directly with Russia. And now Biden is a senile moron who has probably internalized all of this and doesn’t realize that it;s supposed to be war with Trump and not war with Russia.

Depends on what he doesn’t believe. If he didn’t buy the whole Russia-gate thing, then imo he’s right not to have. Trump was never Putin’s puppet and I also don’t believe Trump himself was ever actually directly colluding with Russia. Again, the media fucked up big time. Not only are they primarily responsible for getting him elected by giving him free 24/7 wall to wall coverage, but they laser focused in on all the wrong things when it came to Russia, when they should’ve been been giving much more coverage to all his other serious copious crimes. MSM did a huge disservice to the American public imo. Those sappy hand offs between Lemon and Cuomo are a joke even though I agree with everything they’re saying

Okay then never mind…

I find this interesting because MSM definitely has been unfairly tamping down Sanders since 2016 and still does. But how one gets from that to Trump’s transgressions don’t matter is a whole other thing. Does your dad not read or listen to any news? He must if he knows how unfairly Sanders is treated. The rest just goes in one ear and out the other? I would talk more about this with him if I were you. Sounds like if Sanders doesn’t win the primary he’d stay home or worse, vote for Trump?!

The establishment media are actually hostile to Trump and Sanders, though. The difference is that with Trump it’s justified.

Edit: This isn’t some butthurt Bernie thing because I like him and Warren perhaps equally, but the difference between the fawning coverage Warren gets and the outright hostility Bernie gets is extremely clear.


And what about the coverage Biden DOESN’T get?! From MSM or corporate Dems?

Can you even imagine if one TRUMP’S kids were put on some board of a foreign company based in the USA taking down $50k/mo for a gig they knew nothing about? They’d consider that worse than what Trump just did on that phone call

Biden needs to drop out NOW imo. My biggest fear is that MSM fails us yet again and allows Trump to call out Biden’s fucking corruption and works this into some big distraction that allows him to come out on top again in 2020. He’s gonna do it whether he drops out or not, but the sooner everyone dumps on Biden and admits to this blatant bit of corruption the better

Trump’s kids are definitely making more than $50k/month trading off of Trump being POTUS for things which they know next to nothing about. Knowing next to nothing about Biden’s son, I’m confident he understood the business in Ukraine better than any of the Trump kids understand any of the industries they are intimately involved in.


There’s no doubt the Trump family are the biggest open grifters this country’s ever seen. But other than Ivanka and Jared’s WH positions they’re at least doing it under the guise of their own brand and businesses. At least to my eye it’s very different than helping to overthrow a govt and then having your kid land some grift cushy board job he definitely has no business holding

And even if it were the same, Dems need to call it out for what it is or we run the risk of losing the progressive moral high ground, not to mention votes. It’s a pretty bad look to icompletely gnore this and changing the subject to omg look what Trump did on that phone call!

BEIJING (Reuters) - China last month granted initial approval for 16 new trademarks for the fashion brand of U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka, including voting machines, a search of official records on Tuesday showed.


Andrew Yang got over 5000 Russian Bots and Reddit Trolls to come to his rally last night. Pretty impressive astroturfing.