Who will run in 2020?

Don’t do that. Pretty much everyone thinks you’re a good poster. You’re a good stand-in for the Pete campaign. He’s got more than a couple of lines in the pro column. He’s establishment, but at least he’s young establishment. I mean he’s my third place choice. I suspect Warren is your second place choice which means that the place we probably disagree the most on is Yang and how highly to rank Pete.

I’m 1000% with you on Bernie being a huge mistake. Like for me it’s Warren>Yang>Pete>everyone else>Bernie>Biden. I’m obviously voting for any D like everyone else in the general. Honestly after W and Trump I’ll probably never vote for a single GOP candidate as long as I live… And since I’m a long term married (11 years last month) white small business owner who has spent most of his life in Maine, Texas, and Kentucky that’s really bad for their long term outlook. I really should be a core GOP voter. Just like you.


There are definitely a couple folks that I feel have it out for me, so I try to just not respond to that unless its egregious.

Yang is probably 3rd for me policy-wise, though I’m starting to find the meme-ness (?) of his campaign tiresome. I’ve been a video gamer for most of my life, and I’ve been dealing with meme-y edgelords for a long long time…so I tend to get irrationally angry at some of the flippant tweets I see Andrew make that are often in the same vein (just less in-your-face) as the stuff his supporters put out.

I’ve never voted R except for one time in the primary in 2000 because John McCain

I think you might be taking criticism of Pete as criticism of you at times. I literally know nothing about you outside of all the Pete stuff you post.

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I thought about her. It’s hard to define charisma. I like AOC a lot. I think she’d be a great person to know. But I don’t know that she has that Bill Clinton thing. But it comes down to what you call charisma. I don’t think of it as really positive.

The thing is… what charisma is changes over time. In 2019 authenticity is all important. Even trump is largely charismatic because he is authentically a complete scumbag narcissist. He’s exactly what he appears to be. Even when he lies it’s authentic because he’s authentically a pathological liar.

In the 90s we tolerated a lot more cheesy inauthenticity. That was Bill in a nutshell.

Imagine if Hillary campaign tried to pander to youngs with a terrible meme like this. Imagine the response here.

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Bernie has built an image throughout his campaigns that appeal to young people. Hillary built an image to appeal to stuffy policy wonks and olds. So I imagine if she had tried to communicate in meme form we would be saying things like “I wonder how many focus groups were used to select this particular meme.” And the legit answer would probably have been at least 3. It appears you’ve stumbled upon another example of why she was not a good candidate, not that you’ll see it that way.


I know at least one of the posters you’re referring to and you’re not wrong. I think most of us appreciate hearing your unique perspective on Pete though, even if you don’t see much agreement, so try not to let the haters shut you down.



It was not put up to troll you… It was put up to show that I think Bernie is a better overall candidate. After all this is a contest.

I’ll add You’re very 1st post to me was about how you would get attacked for not being a Bernie Bro 100% all in & I dismissed that, I said to you that there was more Warren types here than anything else.

You have not been attacked itt as far as I can see, Pete has because it’s a contest.

Now as I see it atm you have attacked me 3 times itt when I have not attacked you as you have me.

I may have said some things about Pete, and yes I have a bias against him because I believe he’s not an honest broker. He’s the typical political face of the establishment imo.

And somehow me posting Bernie stuff is a slight against YOU. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

I’ll also add that I drop a lot of posts/tweets in threads when surfing twitter usually all at around the same time marks, and when I goto Bernie’s twitter I just dump them all in here as that’s where they should go… You’ll notice or not :thinking: that I tend to post all these tweets at the same times. Once a day… Its not like I’m in here posting all the time, it’s all in 1 post because that’s what was recommended.

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Skydiver, I am with you, i’m very pete. Some people in this thread historically are not super tolerant of anything outside of what I consider a very narrow world view.


Lol if that’s a representation of his image to young people - it’s really bad. Like unspeakably bad. Throw your hat in another ring.

Imagine if Hillary didn’t kill Epstein.


I like Pete a lot. I’m in his niche demo, but Warren appeals to that demo and others as well. She is also substantially more accomplished generally. Let Pete be a cabinet secretary or what have you and I’d be fine when he’s AOCs running mate or whatever.

I like Bernie fine, though many Bernie fans are the lefts version of Trump’s fans. Still, he’s a good guy and I generally like his no BS approach.


Can you go into a bit more detail on this?

There seems to be more of a belief in the man than general policies. They are generally less informed about politics and law and have various grievances they want a politician to express. Bernie is something of an “F You” to the establishment. I think many Warren fans believe “Finally, a strong champion to implement our values and policies within the system, and to change the system when necessary.” I think Bernie fans think more along the lines of “Finally, some to expose the system as fundamentally corrupt”, which is more akin to Trump’s appeal.

Thing is, as Yglesias has noted, Bernie is a pretty adept politician when it comes to working within the system and achieving some level of compromise for his policies, while Warren may turn out to less yielding and prone to compromise.


this is a peanutbutterpot of a potential fyp

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Yeah Pete is going to have a long political career. Not sure exactly what his next move will be but he’s got real talent. Not winning vs Warren who I suspect will be a top 5 all time candidate/president isn’t a bad sign.

I’m not a big fan of Pete but I am a fan of skydiver.

It’s important to remember that this board varies from slightly left to way left, so differences that may not be very big in mainstream politics represent the differences between the fringes of this forum. Keep on keepin’ on, your presence here is a net positive despite many disagreeing with some of your candidate’s positions.