Who will run in 2020?

Huge if true.


My sister is an immigration attorney and slept in the airport when they first pulled the traval ban shenanigans.


Catface is a lawyer and those were jokes.

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Yeah sorry 6ix, didnā€™t mean to offend. Iā€™m sure your sister would agree lawyers arenā€™t necessarily the most virtuous group as a whole, but there are certainly lots of exceptions. Iā€™ve got a lot of respect and admiration for the lawyers who mobilized in response to the immigration crisis.


Is Schiffā€™s seat not safe? Iā€™ve not seen him asking for money that often that I can recall


Lol, I knew both those things. I was gonna add ā€œyouā€™re lucky you put an emoticon or else weā€™d be fighting up in herā€ but I decided to play it straight.

Itā€™s like that episode of Seinfeld where they donā€™t think Jerryā€™s dermatologist gf actually save live until theyā€™re reminded of skin cancer. Itā€™s a funny concept.

Cool. You sister should be thanked for her service seriously. My brother is a lawyer and heā€™s an asshole.

(Well, heā€™s not exactly an asshole, but heā€™s not exactly not an asshole either.)

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The idea that Warren and Bernie are interchangeable on policy is a common hot take that doesnā€™t get nearly enough push back

Mehā€¦I think they are pretty darn close. Liz is a Bernie Bro going way back. Iā€™m just not sure about FP.

Iā€™m talking about the video, but itā€™s not YouTube and doesnā€™t want to embed.

Your sister is a hero. Lawyers like her have been so instrumental in protecting at-risk people as much as humanly possible from this administration.

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How does he look next to Trump iyo?

I donā€™t think thatā€™s why heā€™s asking for donations. Fundraising isnā€™t always about securing your own seat. Even a minor monetary investment drastically changes a personā€™s emotional investment in a cause. I used to run a local arts group that required a $10 annual membership fee. The money was insignificant for covering overhead, but it had a huge impact on turnover and productivity for active members.

Uh, great? Unless you like racism and authoritarianism.

Schiffā€™s seat is a lock for the Democrats. I donā€™t know that itā€™s absolutely safe, but itā€™s pretty safe. I donā€™t think heā€™s tremendously beloved here in LA, but his national stature is a pretty huge advantage for a representative. (There are 18 reps who have parts of LA county in their district)

this election is about policy, several candidates are interchangeable with one another, but I donā€™t think itā€™s entirely about policy. Itā€™s also about sales and charisma. I believe Bernie, but I donā€™t really feel him, ya know?

Sorry for the confusion. I was referring to this part of your post, not about racism, authoritarianism. Just a matchup of their ability to work a crowd and the voting public.

really? I have posted posts with like 8 pete tweets all in the same post? where? Iā€™m talking about oneā€™s like the one above, in which i was specifically tagged to troll me. #2658, to be exact.

Yeah not every candidate got to start with Bernieā€™s email list. I canā€™t fault Warren for using her leftover Senate funds. Particularly since Iā€™ve now looked at where those funds came from and itā€™s basically universities and liberal groups with a smattering of other rich people. She got essentially nothing from any corporate lobbyists at all, which isnā€™t a surprise since they fucking hate her.

Sheā€™s as clean as Bernie. Sheā€™s as clean as anyone could hope to be. Sheā€™s MUCH cleaner than Obama was. Do I think sheā€™s going to be a huge higher education reformer? Probably not. For the same reason that I think that itā€™s not a coincidence that the candidates taking big corporate donor money are doing stuff like attacking M4A and not talking about wealth taxes (full disclosure I donā€™t actually think a wealth tax will work).

well, that wasnā€™t the first, just the latest, but if i MUST scroll back to find others to deā€¦you know what, never mind. You obviously just scrolled past the previous ones, too. I was tagged in that one to specifically rub it in my face, obviously.

Iā€™d be willing to bet if you counted up the Pete stuff that I, one poster, has posted, vs, the Bernie stuff that many have posted, Iā€™d still be the minority. I understand that Iā€™m not as radical and angry as Iā€™m ā€œsupposed to beā€ and that a candidate who speaks to people like me might not be the favorite here. Does that mean I donā€™t have a place here at all?