Who will run in 2020?

If you’re going to get this kind of push back for Warren, it’s just more reason to run a candidate who is unapologetic in putting an end to corporate greed once and for all. We need to go as far progressive left as possible imo

Trying Charisma rankings and it’s too hard so 3 groups - no particular order in groups

Anti-charismatics: Klubes, Sleepy Joe

Regular people levels: Bernie, Liz, Tulsi, Beto, Harris, Yang

Actual like if you met them you’d say “You should be in politics or something” charisma: Mayor Petey, Castro, Booker (Booker is the #1 imo)

Likability rankings

Really dislike: Biden

Don’t think I’d like: Klubes, Harris, Beto

I’d probably like: Bernie, Tulsi, Booker, Castro

I’m sure I’d like: Liz, Yang, Mayor Petey

Wealth tax?

I’ve always found this characteristic interesting. I read somewhere that people tend to vote for someone like themselves and who they’d most want to chill with over a beer. Personally, I want some one a heck of lot smarter and knowledgeable than myself to be president. I would NOT vote for someone like me! lol

After just a quick look, I haven’t (yet) found Bernie supporting a wealth tax before Liz (though he has a wealth tax plan now), but guess who did?

In 1999, Donald Trump proposed for the United States a one off 14.25% wealth tax on the net worth of individuals and trusts worth $10 million or more. Trump claimed that this would generate $5.7 trillion in new taxes, which could be used to eliminate the national debt.

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I think policy is a bit overrated and what is more important is the narrative used to inform those policies and tie them all together.

I’m not quite as caught up in the wonky details of health care reform as others. There are specific goals I want accomplished.

Yes. Warren to the best of my knowledge has pretty much always been a consumer advocate. I couldn’t find anything in a quick search about when she first proposed a wealth tax, but I doubt it was before Sanders? I could be wrong, but there’s not question Sanders will aggressively go after the greed of the wealthy

She proposed the wealth tax before Sanders at least recently. Maybe he proposed a wealth tax 30 years ago or something. It didn’t come up after a quick search.

Her wealth tax plan is 2% on over $50M, his starts at 1% for $30M and goes up to 8%.

I so disagree with this I’m curious how you can think that? Policy is everything. It’s certainly more important than stump speeches. What troubles me is that Warren is the candidate who always seems to “have a plan for that”. Yet, when it comes to M4A I can’t find any definite plan. Again, I know she has to be vague and find some way to separate herself from Sanders. But it’s curious that the most important issue to most voters seems to be missing a detailed plan

“Studying Arabic” means “founding ISIS” right?

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Most troubling thing about Liz to me, by far, is that she was a Republican when she was in her 40s, after Reagan was POTUS. Like, maybe she’s really very strongly in support of consumers and against corruption by huge corporations, but I’m concerned that illegal arms deals to fund death squads and civil wars that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Central America didn’t affect her party affiliation.

I am somewhat assuaged by her stating that she wants to reduce military spending though.

Ok I’ll gladly stand corrected if so. I am not arguing her sincerity. There’s not much I find wrong with her stated agenda. I just still have some questions

Um, yeah. Stuff like this is troubling. I think she’s also had some concerning no votes. And didn’t she vote for sanctions in Ukraine or something?

Dunno… don’t have time to look much, but first hit suggests that Liz is into sanctions, at least compared to Bernie. Which is very bad imo, generally, but some sanctions are pretty minor (like just against certain individuals - so this might require a deeper look to be sure. Generally I think sanctions are awful. They punish (often brutally, with lots and lots of people dying because of them) the civilian population and play into the hands of hardliners and dictators.

Policy is just the outcome after a consideration of the facts. What’s more important is a politician’s ability to perceive facts and to reason based on those facts. Some politicians don’t understand facts or rely on flawed experts to explain facts to them. Some are bad at reasoning. Some are deficient in both areas.

Health care reform just seems to be a thorny issue. I think she has a clear idea of what the end goal should be. I think she hasn’t figured out a plan yet for getting from A to B. Personally, I suspect that we have to tackle the more general problem of corporations having too much power before we can make reasonable headway on real health care reform, so my own view is that some form of single-payer universal health care should be the goal, but that we need to spend more time ratcheting up the rhetoric against insurance companies that deny benefits wherever they can and corporations that use insurance linked to employment as a way to enslave workers before delving too far into the details.

And that’s why they all need to die.

The insurance companies that is, not that phone support worker. I’m sure they can get a sweet government job doing phone support post-M4A.

And with a better healthcare package. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Bernie has been in favor of a wealth tax since at least the late 90s (he wrote about it in a book at the time) and there are newspaper articles from the 70s where he advocates for it. He also suggested it as a possible funding mechanism for m4a in 2016, but to be fair he did not make it an official campaign platform until after Liz.

To be fairer, he was advocating for it around the same time Liz was coming around to the idea that the Democratic Party might be better than the Republican Party. And also 20 years before that, if you want to go back to his statements in the 70s.




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