Who will run in 2020?

Well, for one thing he’s part of why solar took off in California, and is now taking off elsewhere in the US.

You’re dead to me.

Hell yes I’m old. I was born during the Eisenhower 50’s that too many people are currently trying to recreate today. My first presidential election memory is staying up all night on the 1968 election night. I fell asleep before the TV networks called it early the next morning for Nixon. I was in Madison at an anti-war rally the day before the bombing of the Math Dept in 1970 which killed several (?) people. I was a teenager who went along with a large group from my nearby hometown.

I think I have previously mentioned that I used to spend a great deal of time with my Jewish grandparents who lived in Chicago. They took me to several anti-Nazi rallies (including rallies opposing those dipshit Nazis who marched through Skokie). They taught me that evil really can exist in this world and eternal vigilance is required from everybody.

Okay, enough with this over-sharing. Back to your regularly scheduled program!


He will survive

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Now you gotta answer the JFK question, where were you and what do you remember?

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@skydiver8 Hi I’m from the United Kingdom and I’m a left leaning supporter, so I’m to the left of the Dems, I’m also too the left of AOC.

But I have to support the SNP because I believe in independence.

That’s why I dislike Obama, because he interfered in our independence vote. Yeah he did. :confused::confused::confused:


Counterpoint, it’s against the laws of nature to like the movie Junior. Not because of its science of a drug that allows men to give birth, but because it took a legendary comedian like Arnold and somehow made him less than funny.

I do have vivid memories of the day JFK was shot. Of course, not of the shooting. But I was in elementary school and the principal made an announcement that school was being let out early and everybody had to go home. It was the first (and only) time I ever saw a teacher cry. When I got home my mother asked what in the world I was doing home and I said that school was let out early but she did not believe me.

I am sure that everybody today knows this, but JFK was a very polarizing figure of his day. Many many older establishment types could not stand him or his family.

When I find the time I’ll finish my book explaining how the 1960s (Beatles, Hippies, Woodstock, etc.) truly began on that tragic day in Dallas in November of 1963.


Bernie’s policy is great. His twitter is pretty decent, but his in-the-flesh charisma just doesn’t do it for me. He looked good next to Hillary. He looks poor next to Warren. Arguably he looks poor next to Castro, Mayor Pete, and even the likes of Booker.

If this election is about policy, several candidates are interchangeable with one another, but I don’t think it’s entirely about policy. It’s also about sales and charisma. I believe Bernie, but I don’t really feel him, ya know?

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I honestly feel the same, if Bernie had that charisma he would have probably already been President. :joy:

And you can’t teach that shit. :cry:


:arrow_up:Decent MP that dude.


He spent like $20M against moderate Dick Riordan in the R primary - so the Rs would nominate hardliner Bill Simon instead. Simon then lost to Davis. But the recall happened and Arnie took over.

Riordan was a good guy and much beloved in LA.



I like disco but it was a dead art form. She was the best example of a lame disco act I could think of.


No one’s going to go to bat for Styx?

Don’t people usually choose the Village People as an example when they want to pick on disco?

“Charisma” is usually a bad thing, like something big phoneys like Bill Clinton have. And no, I don’t think Liz is particularly charismatic.

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This is hard to debate because she is such a strong #2 for me, but there is nothing about process and worldview that Bernie hasn’t already been advocating for decades. In fact, while she’s always leaned more on the left, it’s taken her a while to come around on things like M4A, free college, and I’m still not sure she isn’t too hawkish when it comes to foreign policy.

She’s in a tough spot. Bernie’s policies are overwhelming popular and she’s basically in the position of straddling the fence between supporting his policies while trying not to say, “Yeah I’m for everything he’s for, but hey, vote for me and not him!.”. So she has to be purposely vague in some spots, which is why I think she’s having such a hard time saying single payer with no public option. I question if elected, she will fight as hard as Sanders to push through these policies and truly believe she will have a tougher time beating a GOP nominee (I’m giddy that it might not be Trump!) in the general

I’m not saying she’s not sincere, but name one progressive policy she’s for that Sanders hasn’t been fighting and advocating for his entire career

She’s got some charisma. I’d say more than Sanders. She’s also very likable and these are the only reasons I can think of for why she’s polling better than he is. It certainly isn’t because of policy. If anything, she’s trying to ride pretty much every one of Sanders’ policies (much of which I’m sure she’s for), but needs to put some distance between her and him. Otherwise, she may as well come out and say let’s all vote for Sanders