Who will run in 2020?

I’ll 2nd that :+1: and no its not a troll. As Skydiver8 is a top poster.


I’m a fan of Pete, and a big fan of skydiver’s posting.

I love Pete’s stances on some issues, but his strategy on healthcare has moved him down to #3 for me now. I’m annoyed by him attacking Medicare for All the way he has - I can deal with his position, but attacking it on the grounds of “How do you pay for it?” is pissing me off.

But he’s still far and away the best candidate on democracy reform, so once you get past good candidates who want true Medicare for All (there are two), I still think he’s the best out of the others.


Agreed. Bernie and Liz are my “Yay” tier. Pete is just in my “shrug, OK” tier, mostly due to healthcare. Everyone else is in my “goddammit we fucked that up” tier.

Except Joe, he’s in my “time to leave the country” tier.

Chapo doesn’t like Warren because she isn’t a socialist. That’s it, and it’s not inconsistent. And Bernie and Warren are covered very differently by the MSM.

Remember this?


Big oof. Yeah… that didn’t age very well. I honestly think that the claims of sexism wrt Clinton were a red herring. She didn’t lose because she was a woman, she lost because she was a bad candidate. The fact that she had to cheat to beat Bernie was just an indication of that.

Warren is a woman and will probably win the primary despite the establishment and several major industries doing everything they can to stop her… because she’s a good/great candidate.


Other than the banker bros, what is the establishment doing to stop her?

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Finance isn’t a small slice of the establishment to be fair… but widespread coverage of frankly pure bullshit about her background for starters. And the many many many stories about how she lacks electability. Usually when the media covers her favorably it’s in comparison with Bernie.

If you think she’s getting great coverage you’re probably a Bernie supporter. You’re right that she’s getting better media than he is, but not getting screwed as hard as someone who usually gets awful coverage isn’t the same as getting good coverage.

Bernie’s not getting nearly as bad coverage this time around. Last time, with the same policies that EVERYONE has this time, much of the media basically said he was insane and some of it (WaPo) literally said nominating him would be insane.

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Yeah Yang is the true media victim for this cycle.

I think Liz is a better candidate for the primary and Bernie is better for the general and here’s why:

A lot of people who liked Bernie last time, but were older and not like full socialists and not anti-Democratic-party, prefer Warren who basically has all the same positions, but says “I am a capitalist” instead of “I am a Democratic Socialist” = less scary. Given that and some of the more conservative Dems who just recognize that Biden sucks ass in every way and that number growing all the time, you have Liz taking the lead.

But almost those people are voting D no matter what in the general. The 18-24 year olds aren’t turning out (and to be fair it’s much harder (still not hard, but harder) to vote when you’re in college or moving around apartments or whatever than at least it is for me where my ballot gets mailed to my house) and the people who hate the D-party, well, hate the D-party and may not vote or vote for someone else - even Trump. Not that that’s true for everyone, or even most, but for enough that it could matter.

But, whatever. Everyone is going to vote for their favorite and pretty much everyone thinks their favorite has the best chance in the general for one reason or another (I think the Mayor Petey’s have a reasonably good argument for this actually).

Huh? No one even talks about him. Despite moving the Dem establishment significantly left, Bernie is still portrayed in media much more negatively than others (certainly if you place any stock in “opinion” pieces)

Yang is mostly ignored, but he’s lucky to have gotten whatever attention he’s gotten. It’s a crowded field and no one in America had heard of him before this campaign.

It’s a completely different world than it was 4 years ago.

Being ignored is being screwed. Donald demonstrated that pretty conclusively.

He’s in 4th-5th place so he isn’t getting close to the coverage he deserves.

I honestly believe Bernie is more charismatic than Trump. Trump is a bumbling buffoon, unless you like racism and authoritarianism, in which case he sounds marvelous.


I understand the distinction you were making now and how your original response answered my question. I appreciate the clarification.

If Trump doesn’t immediately turn you off, you suck big time. But something vis-a-vis what I said about Yang and relevant to Bernie last election is that fame really matters. Trump was probably the most famous candidate for POTUS, well, ever excepting perhaps 2nd term elections for sitting Presidents and maybe even then. More than twice as many people vote in the general than in the primary. You can pretty much expect that half the people who are going to vote in the general have never or barely heard of anyone except Trump, Biden and Bernie at this point and probably a quarter really don’t know who Biden or Bernie are.

I’m not saying this should happen, but Oprah, Michelle Obama, or The Rock could very well be the D candidates most likely to win.


He’s in 6th right now on RCP averages. He recently beat Harris in CA in an A rated poll. What is it with everyone trying to write the guy off preemptively?