Who will run in 2020?

pretty sure that concept would be well above these dudes’ intellectual abilities

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If you make your flush on the river you want to get paid. It’s called implied odds. Look it up.

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Yes nice rounded back just like you always want for lifting. Great form dude!

I’m nowhere near as buff looking as that dude and I did 10x285 this morning. And skinny kids and little potato-shaped Asian guys crush me all the time.

Someone is skipping leg day.


The fuck lmao. 225 deadlift is nothing a real deadlift drops the weight ever rep. This is please clap level.

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Also his form is literally going to wreck his back. Maybe he’s trying to do a straight-leg deadlift?

Yeah this is a lot closer to a stiff leg DL than a regular DL

You have to question the competence of someone who apparently never even tried to learn good DL form - but on top of that tweets out their terrible form and lifting not a lot of weight as some kind of brag/challenge.

Not that he had a chance anyway but holy crap.

The deadlifting tweet is a response to this tweet:

Dude’s a crossfitter, no doubt about it.

lol, maybe, but wouldn’t that have been the very first thing he told us about himself? (sorry to anyone here that does it, I find most of them insufferable. Yes, I’m a lazy fatass. I still don’t care about your crossfit)

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He’s all upper body whatever he does. He should have stuck to the pull ups.

Y’all just hatin’ on one of the most ripped presidential candidates of all time.

What do vegan crossfitters tell you about themselves first?



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that sound is me sharpening this extra guillotine blade i had lying around

But a fair amount of the livelihood of investment professionals relies on having large pools of capital to manage. Family offices with tens of millions of dollars are hugely valuable the finance industry. If that money is redistributed to normal people those people are going to spend it, not give it back to the finance industry by buying retail mutual funds.

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This is correct. They might not pay the wealth tax directly, but their business would suffer… just like mine has suffered because of these fucking tariffs. To say that I have zero sympathy would be a massive understatement.

I’m a fan of “you will motherfucker”.




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Even if I wasn’t voting for her I would stroke out a check to Warren’s campaign after seeing that tweet. I’ll just double up this month instead.