Who will run in 2020?

Seriously this is such good press.

I work in banking and can confirm widespread cartoonish HATE of Warren. It gives me happy tingles listening to these people rant about how she’s sure to be apocalyptic.


Tulsi is for Medicare for All


I wish that wasn’t so, but it’s to be expected given her positions on Wall Street. They’re not going to gleefully support a candidate who vowed to confront their corruption and essentially dismantle their entire industry. I guess that means we’ll have to settle for them supporting Bernie–

Oh wait

Consider me pro-apocalypse, then.

Do you think some % of them would actually vote Biden > Trump > Warren? If so how many?

They’re all straight R voters. They barely pretend to be outraged by the racism.

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So fuck 'em.

I have some liberal-identifying non-deplorable finance friends who loathe specifically Warren with the fire of a thousand sunlamps. Like Riverman said, it is cartoonish, hilarious, and totally enjoyable! Some of them would vote for any dem other than Warren > no vote/write-in/punt > Trump > Warren and then they’d lie about it to their wives for the next decade and to their kids forever. In my experience this is a very small group of people concentrated in fancy cities and is not worth worrying about in terms of electoral math. The folks I know only let their guard down about their Warren revulsion when they’re wasted, which granted is still like half their lives, but they’re generally too embarrassed at trotting their own naked selfishness out in front of family/friends to do anything about it besides grow ulcers


Yeah it’s not like she’s going to lose NY, IL, or CA.

I imagined it’d be something like gay hedge fund managers who would prefer to be rich and closeted rather than out and less rich.

I used to work in banking but still work in finance. My boss, who’s actually a super normal guy, has already stated that he’d be forced to vote for Trump if she’s the nominee. That’s partially scary and partially hilarious to me.

We’ve criticized white working class folks for voting against their economic self interest by voting for Trump, so I suppose we can’t be too mad at someone honestly voting in their own self interest. As a strong proponent of class warfare, I see the banking/financial/corporate types as a bigger threat than the racists in the long run.

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These guys are positively SHOOK over the wealth tax, which…none of them would pay.

If she is the nominee, I’m close enough to him that I could and would try and convince him otherwise over beers. We’ve known each other forever.

But that primal instinct against her blows my mind.

My pony is sitting out

It’s that stupid idea that they might have to pay it one day, when all their dreams come true and they reach their goal of buying their second yacht (the first one had to be sold because they couldn’t fit a helicopter on it, yanno) as they lounge by the pool in their Hamptons summer house.

If there is one thing I have learned from 2016, it’s that this is also about culture and identity. Warren represents a grave threat to the cultural pretensions of master-of-the-universe dipshits, whether they’re going to be paying the wealth tax or not. Hold my pearls, the President in 2021 may be saying mean things about bankers and financiers again, going to need even more coke and Viagra to fuck and murder hookers to maintain my self-esteem, and my marginal tax rates just went up.

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I’ve heard it more than once around the poker table that the “people who make the jobs deserve a tax break!” and other brainwashed shit like that. If I ask why, they invariably start talking about “when they own their own business, they’ll want it that way,” etc. Like, these are dudes that are sitting around playing poker all day thinking that money and success is just going to fall in their lap (i guess? I dunno) and on that magical day, they would be hit with a wealth tax…so they have to be against it.

They can keep their money if we can take away their limited liability that the government grants them by allowing them to form corporations.

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