Who will run in 2020?

Booker may tap out within days. Boring Joe had him on last week talking about how scarce donations were and he was making this big push for campaign cheese and if he didn’t get it he might have to re evaluate

Yay for incremental change and trying to shift the overton window back to the right. :roll_eyes:

What was her “weird” anti-Warren take? Was it that she voted to confirm Ben Carson? Was it any other of her past wonkiness? I think Warren is miles better than most candidates. But I can’t for the life of me understand how people can’t see that Sanders has pretty much ALWAYS been on the right side of history for DECADES when it comes to both his voting record and policy proposals. Why he gets tamped down in favor of Warren who’s basically piggy backing on all his policies is beyond me. She still has yet to mention single payer

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Lol at those of you who argued with me about Pete


You don’t need to convince me on Bernie being better, but Liz has definitely talked about single payer (although she has seemingly been shying away from it recently, from what I’ve seen). I think the take was something like “yeah, the Native American thing was actually kind of a big deal that she hasn’t adequately addressed”. It was a follow up to a conversation about how, while Trump obviously fucked up here, the Biden thing is nonetheless concerning and how a lot of dems just refuse to confront issues with their own candidates.

The Native American flub will do nothing to hurt her among progressives, but you can bet Trump will do his best to make it an issue and will definitely succeed at least among his base and possibly some undecideds.

Warren has nowhere near the flaws HRC had, but I’m still very concerned Trump and the GOP will somehow pull off making her look like a too far left leaning Dem while she simultaneously desperately tries to appeal to moderates as well. Sanders doesn’t have that problem. The harder they try to paint him as some fascist progressive, the more he digs in and responds with you’re right! And goes on to list all his policies that are geared towards working or the average American and taking down the wealthy establishment. He has nothing to apologize for

I know I don’t have to convince you and I’m not trying to. I get why Bernie gets an unfair shake with MSM and the establishment, but I don’t get why he doesn’t get the support he should from many progressives

My counterpoint to this is that Warren is already doing a fantastic job of running for president and is likely to continue to do so. She’s pretty good at manipulating the news media and getting unearned coverage, and her debate performances have been the best in the field by a considerable amount. Her stump speech is really good and her policy proposals are going to be broadly popular, even with so called conservatives (who I can tell you from monitoring the Yang Gang don’t have an ideology so much as Pavlovian responses to certain word choices).

She’s a very capable person basically. To think that she would get outmaneuvered by the modern GOP is kind of silly. They are bigger screw ups than the establishment Democrats, who I’m happy to say have almost no representation at the Warren campaign.

Only fucking Democrats would engage in splitting hairs on health care plans that will never, ever be voted upon unless they win the Senate, while doing basically nothing to actually win the Senate. Washington Generals playbook.


I agree she sounds better and probably has a better look than an angry old white man shaking his fists and yelling his throat raw. Even though she’ll 100% get my vote over any other candidate in the field (barring Sanders), I still have some concerns about her. I care more about actual policies than appearance or aesthetics and admittedly, I need to thoroughly check out her website and learn more about her exact policy proposals and where she stands. She clearly shines on what I know on her domestic policies and advocacy for consumers. I’d be very happy with a President Warren. But I have some questions on her foreign policy and whether she’s a bit too hawkish (didn’t she support funding private military contractors?)

And again, my biggest concern is that she’ll be an easier target to attack. What can you attack about Sanders? He’s totally unapologetic. I think the same reasons why it’s so hard for him to break through even among some progressives, is also why there’s really nothing to attack about him personally. It’s not about him. They’d have to attack his lifetime overall ideology of equality, ending corruption, and non-stop advocacy for average Americans. I truly think he’d be harder to beat in the general than anyone else including Warren. I’m just going but what I read. I do have to do my part and do much more research on ALL the candidates. Any suggestions other than their websites?

This is the correct strategy and where Bernie fails imo. The MSM debate moderators are itching for that one sound bite of, “Yes taxes will be raised, but…”, which I think Bernie has fallen for. The correct response is NO! Because your private tax of health insurance premiums will go down! So the proper answer to this question is a resounding no! There will be no tax increase!

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What can you attack about Sanders?

  1. This is all from memory, so take it with a grain of salt, but I remember talking with someone who worked first with Obama’s campaign, then with Sanders’, and their feedback was that Bernie lost each time because his campaign was shockingly internally disorganized and ineffective, particularly compared to machines like the Obama and Clinton campaigns. Perhaps the same comparison is worthy with his vs Warren’s campaign.

Obviously the guy is inspiring and has consistent positions a lot of us would prefer over anyone else’s. But from on-the-ground feedback like the above, it kind of makes sense to me why Sanders inspires more than most and yet consistently gets surpassed by a different candidate.

  1. Does any one else remember the Russian troll farm scandals trotted out against Sanders last time? I was far less informed around that time and only remember how sadly effective it was for low-information voters.

For real. Saying you’re for M4A would be super easy but Uncle Joe, Lulsi, Mayor Pete, and steroid guy aren’t allowed to by their various owners

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fuck wall street is the current leader for her campaign slogan.


Like she was going to take their money anyway lol.

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Wall St. gives to both sides to cover their bases. But I guess they’ll withhold from other races. Fuck money in politics. Fuck the Roberts court for killing campaign reform.

She should to placate them then use it to fuck them over.

Sanders is an ideologue and Warren is a pragmatist who have converged upon a similar set of policies. I just expect Warren to be more capable of realizing her agenda because of her process and worldview even if they mostly want the same things.

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That’s not how that works. Besides refusing to take their money has more value than their money at this point. Hard to think of a group of people more actively disliked by midwestern swing voters than Wall Street bankers.

Besides they are never ever going to fall for that with her. They are absolutely serious about pulling out all the stops to oppose her… and she’s just as serious about fucking them up if elected.

If it had been up to her the banks would have gotten no bailout and that money would have been used to help out main street people who were having trouble making their payments. And she was right, we missed a huge opportunity to finally regulate the cancer on our economy that is Wall Street.

Did Warren pay them to say this?