Who will run in 2020?

I try to +1 every lol Tulsi post I see, but correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t Tulsi slay Kamala in the last debate Tulsi qualified for? Harris is down to like 5% now. I don’t know if they’re splitting and doing 2 nights again but now that Tulsi is back I assume she’s gunning for Sleepy Joe next.

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I don’t post lol Tulsi stuff, I don’t think I ever gave her a mention tbh, reason being was that she was always a low %er.

But I did enjoy her taking out Kamala, and Infact I’ll correct that post above and say that that was probably the only time I did mention her name.

Try to contain yourselves.




Tulsi bodying Harris is definitely the Christie takes out Rubio moment of this cycle btw




This isn’t going to change much in CA. Liz will get stronger.



Biden-Linked Firm Tests Messages to Undercut ‘Medicare for All’

Why is Hillary trading at 5c on PredictIt? Even 1c would be way too high, no?

Time value of money on predictit is pretty high.

There’s a tl;dr post I made a while back in the politics betting thread breaking down the math of some of these really bizarre markets.

Brokered convention and people don’t think much of the Democratic Party.

I bumped into a Steyer rally that had a smaller crowd than the amount of people just going about their lives around it and who didn’t bother to stop and listen to a guy running for president so I’d say we’re pretty safe from the need to impeach hedge fund manager becoming president.

lol at all the CA politicians who endorsed Harris immediately

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Thankfully it’s starting to look like this isn’t going to be a very competitive primary. Warren is starting to break away from the pack and it’s because she’s the best horse in the field. I suspect her lead is going to keep growing all the way to the finish line.

If there was ever a moment for campaigning on full bore anti corruption this is it.

Booker with 2 straight “0s” in a row is brutal.

More like B00ker, amirite?


He’s done. He’s basically said as much with that plea for fundraising earlier this week that nobody remembers anymore.