Who will run in 2020?



This excites me.




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Biden is such a fucking creep, there have to be women just waiting for him to get the nomination before they come forward with their creepy shoulder rub stories.

So does that mean Mayor Pete is dropping out?

Yang Gang

No chance imoā€¦

Good god at the Biden video.

Between the Warren polling and Trump impeachment it feels like there is more hope than there has been in a while for something to actually happen.


Biden -11 is the content I live for

(also Pete double digits, ldo)

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good god that Biden video is a face melter. If that guy wins the nomination, itā€™s time to evacuate the planet


This is how old men talk to young women. My dad does the same thing. Itā€™s so fucking cringeworthy, and i cringe at my dad when he does it (I try to call him out, but he just doesnā€™t understand the problem)

Older/middle of the road Dems NEED to get over the idea that they canā€™t dislike Joe because he reminds them of themselves/their dads/their uncles.

I love my father to pieces. Heā€™s an incredibly intelligent, caring, conscientious person who would give anything for his family. But heā€™s from a different time, when every old man treated younger women this way, because younger women being outspoken and leaders and smart and whatever was a noveltyā€¦like the cute dog that can do neat tricks.

I would be lying if I said that attacks on Joe Biden hit the sympathy centers of my brain first, before moving to the logical parts, because he reminds me of my dad and if you talk shit about my dad Iā€™ll cut youā€¦but I also know my dad shouldnā€™t be president, and neither should Joe. ā€œBiden votersā€ and people who defend him for stuff like that clip just havenā€™t moved past the sympathy part into the critical thinking part.


Biden needs to GTFO

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Iā€™m dead serious that turning up the millennial vote share is the whole key to this election for Dems.

Weā€™ve always assumed that those age brackets would vote at low rates. But things have changed. Thereā€™s a sleeping giant.

In 2016 poll workers in small towns said they saw men theyā€™ve never seen before come out of the woodwork. Trump ignited a class (through blatant racism) that was pretty much disaffected with politics and didnā€™t see the point in voting.

Warren or Bernie can do the same for young voters.

The most recent NH and Iowa polls look awful for Bernie. Maybe Bernieā€™s internal #s tell a different story, I guess weā€™ll see. Either way, I hope he has an exit plan if Biden is winning after Super Tuesday and he(Bernie)/Warren are splitting the progressive vote.

lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll harris btw

ā€œi am a top tier candidateā€

3% is yang/tulsi tier

I think he needs to stick around at least that far though. He seems to have a disproportionate percentage of the young and/or first-time voters that donā€™t get captured accurately in traditional polling. His high unique donation counts hints at that. People willing to donate tend to be willing to turn out at the polls as well, even if they havenā€™t in the past. Also, even if you are a Biden honk (but definitely Warren), I think you want his campaign operating at full blast for at least that long as well to get those new voters signed up to help in the general. Itā€™s probably a bigger splash if a candidate has some mild success before the drop-out endorsement occurs, rather than say after just IA/NH. This is all wild speculation of course.

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Itā€™s a little like the evolution the advertising industry went through. Back in the day, ads were made for olds by olds, because they saw themselves as the people of power who needed to appeal to other people of power. But then they realized that the real demo that transforms consumer and political choices is the 18-35 group.

Donā€™t trust the polls ladies and gentlemen.


Theyā€™re really a fine people if you get to know them.
