Who will run in 2020?


^^ I believe the person @skydiver8 nominated also deserves the Nobel Peace prize so if they win it over GretaThunberg I won’t be as mad as Emma. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



:arrow_up: This :arrow_down:


Mayor Pete getting radical.




It’s not the fault of the marijuana industry. Those reparations should come the private prison industry, war contractors, police, Republicans and Bill Clinton.


We should also just straight up seize every company (and all the assets of the current major investors in) that had a major role in the opiate epidemic. They did more damage than they could ever actually repay at this point.

The executives and the top salespeople/marketers should go to maximum security prison from now on as well.

We have to end the impunity era. There are way too many people in this country who think that no matter what they do they’ll never experience real consequences. They need to rediscover what fear is as soon as humanly possible. At this point they are raping, pillaging, and murdering without any fear of repercussions.


He’s made some poor decisions wrt to his campaign.

Like this tweet has become a big deal in Bernie twitterverse


Ignoring the fact that that’s accurate, his campaign co-chair is on twitter trying to make the case that “residue” there is used as some sort of racial slight on non white Bernie supporters which is pretty ridiculous. People rightly complain when the very small but aggressive Bernie twitter crew is used as a stand in to say bad things about the candidate, but what about when it’s someone he hired to lead his campaign? And while the Sanders campaign is complaining about being covered accurately Warren is generating good headlines by using her funds and resources to help beat Susan Collins. I think this race could have been totally different if Bernie hired people who told him “look, the media isn’t out to get us, it’s our job to do stuff that will generate headlines that we like”.



Former vice president Joe Biden is expected to call for President Trump’s impeachment if the president continues to stonewall Congress’s investigations regarding reports that Trump asked the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden and his son, Hunter.

He could be and I think he was in 2016. The only evidence available now suggests that Biden is the best candidate against Trump. So much for people.

Uncle Joe just roused himself from his Thanksgiving day nap with 35 seconds to go in the game and said “I’m ready for kick-off!”

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Tom Steyer gonna come in and buy this election, kids. In other news, Tulsi Gabbard made the October debate…so we’re back to 12. Actually I’m ok with that, because that means there will be two nights which means they’l have more time to talk.


Who the hell is Krystal Ball? Sounds made up


People who don’t think billionaires should be dominating political speech just because they have billions of dollars shouldn’t like Tom Steyer doing what he’s doing, but impeachment-hawks should like it. He’s not going to win and he’s pretty much a single issue candidate.

She ran for Congress during one of the early Obama era elections I think. I remember there was a mild kerfluffle when a picture emerged of her at a college costume party with a dildo strapped onto her nose or something.

I think she’s generally pretty good. I actually just watched an episode of her web tv show today for the first time. It was largely way better than msnbc type stuff, but did have some weird takes including one anti-Warren take that, combined with the tweet you quoted, makes it clear she’s firmly in Bernie’s camp.


Could be unfair but I had her in hack territory when she was regularly on MSNBC. But recently she has come across as pretty effective, would be a good surrogate for Bernie if she is not already.

Found this Russian bot in the wild:

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Yeah I had a vague feeling that I didn’t like her based on occasionally seeing her on MSNBC in the past but don’t have any examples off the top of my head.

It was pictures of her husband on a leash with antlers and a red dildo for a nose at a Christmas party, with her sucking it at one point.

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Okay I feel much better about her now

In a world that doesn’t suddenly turn into Venus if Warren loses, I’m just saying that regardless of whether Warren wins, I want her to run. I want to follow a presidential election and be excited about the candidate. I want to root for a candidate and not feel like I’m swallowing a turd to support good causes. I just want her to run.

Frank Underwood was of course the epitome of evil, but even he got it right when he told his cabinet of course we might fail, but I want us to at least ****ing try.

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