Who will run in 2020?

Does it have to be people? What about dogs? I think he’ll struggle but may be able to find three dogs.


Maybe three dogs, but I think it will still have to involve smearing peanut butter all over his face


Pete is currently doing a McCain-style bus tour of Iowa. Between campaign events, he is allowing reporters to ride the bus with him and ask him anything, on the record, for four days. (This sounds like hell to me, so more power to him).

He’s also having a twitter Q&A in 30 minutes (5:30 ET) if you’e on twitter and feel any desire to ask a question. It will be on his main account. https://twitter.com/PeteButtigieg

I don’t think that was the point of the video.

Wow Bernie all the way down to 10c on Predictit. Warren up to 46c. Some big moves.


It’s happening?

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Bacon-flavored peanut butter. This is going to take the big guns.

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I’m okay with this. I love Bernie but also love Liz. If he doesn’t get the nomination, I’m guessing this was his last shot. I hope he takes great pride in his life and political career. He’s done so much to define the conversation the DNC and political challengers have in this cycle’s primary.


+1, and I really hope Warren acknowledges this if/when Bernie drops out. He’s been leading the way for decades and she owes basically her entire platform to him

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I talk a lot of shit about Bernie… but I want to be clear that my thinking that he wouldn’t be a good president isn’t the same as me thinking he hasn’t been an incredibly important political figure.

My religious roots are showing (hardcore atheist since I was old enough to really think about it hard even if it got me into a good bit of trouble) but I look at Bernie as a John the Baptist type of figure. He’s the prophet who pointed the way forward and was treated very badly because of it. Maybe he couldn’t execute on it, but that doesn’t mean him pointing out the right direction to go was wrong.

I’m sure Warren will be standing next to Bernie when he drops out and give a hopefully incredibly moving speech about everything he has meant to her over the last couple of decades. His entire generation sold out to special interests in a truly spectacular way, but Bernie held true to what was right. I’m almost tearing up a little bit really thinking about it. Don’t get sick it makes you emotionally soft lol.

Once Bernie’s supporters are squarely behind Warren and Bernie is going around holding rallies to support her she’s going to be more or less unstoppable in the primary as well.

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[quote=“cuserounder, post:2432, topic:68”]
And I’m not sure if kidding not kidding means you’re kidding or you’re sort of kidding…
[/quote]Nah I was kidding, but it didn’t come across as tongue-in-cheek in writing. It was mainly an excuse to throw out more phrases I’ve only heard from black people growing up.




Bernie at another rally + the individual 1 million donations.

1 from yesterday :heart_eyes:


Geez this Bernie has more energy than most on here… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Young Americans get the message…


Ahh the 1 mil individual donations… :arrow_down:


Sounds like a plan, Bernie. :ok_hand:

He can even reach the people without making outlandish comments… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



He even has a plan for the environment :v:

And Education…


That seems fair.


BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE We love you kind Sir… :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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My theory is that millennials and a little bit of Gen Z is the sleeping giant.

Look how much they woke up in 2018:

It’s always been assumed that every generation was only going to vote at like 20% in their 20s, 30-40% in their 30s, etc. I didn’t vote until I was in my 30s.

But I think the process is accelerating. I think millennials know they are being handed a shit economy (for them) and shit environment. Also Trump has energized a ton of them.

IMO anyone who thinks Biden is more electable is wrong. The whole game is turning out these 18-40 year olds. We need someone like Warren or Bernie with a real message. Someone they honestly believe is going to fight for them.

If 2020 is just Never Trump and a status quo corporate autocrat - Dems will lose again just like they did in 2016.

Plus it’s the right thing to do. We can’t keep shitting on the younger generation or things are going to get very ugly,




I can get an Armani suit for $2000?

I don’t need a suit, or care about suits or know anything about suits. But I always imagined they’d be more expensive than that.




Fair point.


Emma is nice I’ve always enjoyed her on TYT

I’ll add I liked her even more when she told her history and can understand why she supports Warren.

They’re going to let them kill comments they don’t like.

