Who will run in 2020?

I don’t want to continue the derail, so this will be my last post on the topic and I’ll keep it brief. It’s a freeroll vs. atheism in this context, not versus another religion.

This is only true absent the existence of other religions. Pascal got around this logical flaw by handwaving away the legitimacy, for lack of a better word, of both concurrent and historical faith systems.

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I’m not going to discuss any more about religion ITT because it’s a derail, but your disingenuous responses in general are bad for the forum. I specifically stated I had no hard evidence (hence, pulling it out of my ass) and immediately followed up with it’s a reasonable assumption (hence, Bayes’ theorum). I’m giving you credit for at least being smart enough to know what I meant, yet you had to troll. You’re the one who should really fuck off with stupid and useless posts like this

The only reason you haven’t been banned is because the forum has chosen to go largely without mods. You are not a serious person.

ITT the derails will stop as long as the each of the derailers gets the last word on the derail

Atehist here. The " these people are smart so they must secretly be atheists" argument Itseems obnoxious and patronizig. I’ve met a lot of extremely smart people of faith.It’s not at all obvious that Obama and the Clintons and etc. aren’t basic mainstream Christians.


For one thing it’s hard to change and you youngsters might not realize how rare and verbotten it was to be atheist even in like 1970 or 1980. I don’t think I ever heard anyone say they were an atheist until college.

Still as much of an atheist as I have ever been I suppose, but getting into people’s grills about it is a young man’s game. The history of religion is so much more interesting than a handful of specious ontological arguments (the cosmological ones are bad too, all of them are bad).

Why would I be banned before someone who inserts themselves into a discussion with a completely useless post?

Does anybody in this forum actually have black friends?* I don’t know about the origins, but I’ve heard “bougie” approximately 10,000 times in my life. 9,990 uses were by black people, and 8,000 were used about black people.

Next up: “Siddity.”

  • I’m kidding-not-kidding. Don’t everybody get your butts on your shoulders.

I meant to emphasize education over intelligence. I don’t think it’s up for debate that religiosity declines at higher education levels. I was careful to stipulate this doesn’t mean religious people can’t be very intelligent. Among Catholics, college graduates are almost 3 times as likely to be atheists than those with high school or less education. I’m sure this ratio is higher for post grads and higher still, for those with post grad science degrees, especially among biologists

I think people have to be very careful when drawing conclusions from statistics. It could be economic related. Just because someone can’t afford higher education doesn’t mean they’re any less intelligent

What does this have to do with politics and particularly who will run in 2020? I think the needs of the people would be far better served by critical thinkers who are secular humanists and not religious

I think hipsters use it quite a bit, although your point stands in general. And I’m not sure if kidding not kidding means you’re kidding or you’re sort of kidding but also seriously asking. I have a pretty diverse group of friends for a middle class white guy, and that’d be a yes for me.

My 17yo is right here and she says it’s common among her and her friends. Her school is 5% Black.

The Black friends I’ve had since HS/College have all been construction dudes and none of them ever said “bougey”.


Article form if people prefer. I wonder who this will disqualify. Castro for sure. Klob possibly. Booker’s one poll shy, and I’m not sure about the donors. This isn’t going to narrow the field much.

Can the DNC put in some criteria for moderators too? Like Chuck Todd has to find 3 people in the country who don’t think he’s a gaping douche.

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lol, I’m off to Predictit to short Tulsi again!


Helpful spreadsheet to track the qualifiers


Lol. A bunch of the prominent Bernie people try to bust out this move of “my favorite candidate” = “only candidate who can win.” Now I’m not a political scientist, but the fact that he’s been at 18% nationally in the Democratic primary consistently for the last 8 months, with near full name recognition, suggests to me that he’s not the universally inspiring political figure the socialist left wants him to be.