Who will run in 2020?


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LOL that was a massive reach. Honestly every time they try to smear Warren Iā€™m left thinking ā€˜if thatā€™s all theyā€™ve got theyā€™ve got nothing.ā€™


Paging @skydiver8 lol

I love that all future versions of Trumpā€™s wiki page will contain a link to Sharpie.

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Yeah Biden is probably done thank god.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d trust reports of Bidenā€™s demise from a Fox Business reporter.

Iā€™m thinking heā€™s done because heā€™s a terrible candidate, and his terribleness is going to be front and center on the news every day for the rest of the primary because of the Trump thing. Thereā€™s no reading more charitable for his sons Ukrainian adventures than ā€˜it wasnā€™t criminal at allā€™. Which it wasnā€™t. Who cares?

Heā€™s also a bad debater, a bad campaigner, massively out of step with the times, and basically doesnā€™t have a single good quality left in his dotage. He shouldnā€™t have run, which is why Obama tried to talk him out of it.

Iā€™d feel sorry for him if he didnā€™t deserve it so badly. The walking talking definition of a mediocre entitled old white male Boomer. Heā€™s such a sexist that he honestly thought that HRCā€™s big reason for losing to Trump was that she was a woman. Nope-- she lost because the American people are sick to death with people just like him. Weā€™ve probably had our last ā€˜establishmentā€™ Boomer president. And thatā€™s not a bad thing.

Liz, whatā€™s going on with your kitchen decorating!?! And the three similar but not identical rugs? I have questions.


The Democratic Elite accidentally taking Trump down despite not really wanting to is the Chefā€™s Kiss of all of this.


Has there ever been a candidate in either party whoā€™s won both IA and NH and then not won the nomination? I donā€™t think there has been.

This is an interesting question

I know itā€™s not what you asked but Wiki says Clinton lost both in 92

Edmund Muskie won both in 72

Interesting, and fairly recent. Guess the wiki on that race may be worth reading

I mean, why should I bother speaking to someone who has already canceled me? Thereā€™s no way to rationally argue with that. Vic thinks I donā€™t belong in the Democratic party (which is weird because I thought their whole spiel was that the DNC and democratic party was terrible).

I obviously have completely failed trying to communicate here. The self-styled ā€œprogressiveā€ wing of this party has decided that there are actually only two issues that make someone progressive (on one of which their stance is actually REgressive, lol) and anyone else is a goddamned republican and may as well fuck off and die.

There is no nuance allowed, just their way or the highway. Iā€™m too busy talking to open-minded people about Pete to continue banging my head against the wall here.

I wonder what would happen if I posted walls of Pete tweets and news like smacc does with Bernie stuff. Notice I donā€™t comment on those, even though I disagree with a lot of it. I highly doubt the Pete stuff that I think is brilliant will get the same consideration here, so I use my energy elsewhere.


Why is this post we really need to get ppl like Pete outā€¦ and not we really need to get ppl like Pete, Harris, Beto?, Booker? out of the party. Itā€™s a strange vendetta against one candidate, Iā€™m guessing 80% of the field and probably 90% of Democrat in congress arenā€™t for single payer yet.


I know you know this, but most of the posters on this site are not progressive. Many are radical. A good portion of them are former Republicans or other things that now want to rail on Democrats. Just like they did when they werenā€™t Democrats. They donā€™t speak for people who have been far left lifelong Democrats, the people who have actually been marginalized in the party forever. This place is totally niche and doesnā€™t represent really anything going on overall.

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by the way, if anyone lives in Northern California and still has an open mind, Pete is having a rally in West Sacramento on Sunday. Free RSVP at the bottom.
