Who will run in 2020?

This pisses me off BIGTIME. Pete has said in the past he’s for his plan because he thinks it’ll get us to true Medicare for All… Now he’s attacking true Medicare for All? Fuck off, Pete.


We were one vote away from a public option happening TEN YEARS AGO. Trotting that out there now as your starting point sucks.

I like Pete just fine ftr. I would have no problem voting for him. I’ll preface this by saying this is highly anecdotal but the people who tell me they like Pete IRL are not liberal. They are mostly moderates who are tired of Trump’s bs and “fear” progressive politics from Bernie/Warren. So in that sense he is more palatable to them. No that doesn’t mean they all are and is not meant as a shot at skydiver.

I’d also be fine if we shot for M4A and the compromise was a public option for now if that couldn’t be passed. Anything would be progress.


Overton window discussion is exactly why we need to be talking about repealing the Second Amendment.

Just get a handful of candidates to start talking about and we can make the centrist position gun buybacks. Eventually we can get to the point where we put people in jail and throw away the key if they own guns at all.

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The only thing I like about Mayor Pete is his re-election campaign slogan is nutted at RePete 2024.



A perfect example of when the old ones are best.

tHiS iS IlLeGaL


Its this simple: if you’re out there in 2019 talking about being nice and finding consensus and whatever other bullshit Joe Biden and Pete the Douche are spouting, fuck you right off the stage.


Deblasio dropped out of the race live on Boring Joe, stunning those of us who thought he had dropped out weeks ago.


The Br0s keeping it classy

I’m sure plenty of people will use that as a reason to not vote for Bernie

Elizabeth Warren’s first political town hall was one she did for Bernie when she was still a professor. Mayor Pete’s entry into politics was an essay about how awesome Bernie is. 3 of the top 4 candidates are either Bernie or were inspired by him. Also AOC comes from the Bernie campaign. The only way Bernie fails in 2020 is if Biden or Trump is POTUS.



Overhaul Medicare and do Whatever the Fuck They Do in the Netherlands 4 All (WtFTDitN4A)

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Someone want to remind me who i had the 2020 nom bets with so I don’t hafta go dig it up? hokie i think was one of the two.

Ha I honestly don’t remember booking any 2020 bets but I suppose it’s possible

Also the same thing can be said about gun manufacturers.

Same thing could be said about lawyers. :p

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I don’t think anybody has ever said lawyers make them feel safe

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