Who will run in 2020?

I agree that all Dems will be branded gun grabbers and socialists, but there’s a difference between them saying it and the candidate saying it on tape. Also, Beto doesn’t have a monopoly on young+male+Texan, even among the extant candidates.

Man, what an asshole that guy is.

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ACA approval is in the 70s right now if that public option had passed originally. Fuck every single thing about Joe Lieberman



Same for me. I’ve spent hours on the phone (exchange, my state, my providers) trying to figure out what happens in certain scenarios. No one has any idea. The concept of self-employment and volatile income is incomprehensible to them.

There seem to be a lot of border/edge cases that no one has actually thought through. For instance, I kept asking what would happen if I based my estimated income on previous year(s) and grossly overpaid for marketplace coverage while having a disaster year. No one had any idea, but they were sure to point out that if I underpaid I would definitely have to pay money back. Cool. What happens if it fucks me and helps you? We dunno. What happens if it fucks you and helps me. Pay us, for sure.




And this is why you don’t start with the compromise position.

The only way you’re going to get centrist Democrats on board with your ideas is to go even further to the left than you actually want.


All I could think of when I read that was, “Oh, you sweet summer child.”

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M4A is the compromise already. Pete wants to compromise the compromise before Republicans even get their hands on it. It’s not helping.


Here’s the plan. Read it so you can attack with what’s actually in there. If you disagree, fine. I don’t, 60-ish percent of Americans don’t, and the plan shows a deeper understanding of the actual health care industry (the nuts and bolts of it, local hospitals, admin costs, etc) as it is than most.


As it is, I’ll leave this here and go to other threads. See you in Iowa.

Yup. My girlfriend’s friend’s dad was in town visiting and suddenly got pneumonia. He ended up dying after spending like 6 weeks in the hosptial. Not only did she lose her dad but now their family might lose everything because he was rushed to the closest hosptial and it was all out of network providers since he had a plan in Montana and he was in Arizona.

This. System. Is. A. Joke.

Anyone who wants to keep their current plan is speaking from a place of privelege. I work for a small company and they pay over $700/month for my insurance and I’m 32 and healthy…and the coverage I have is still mediocre at best. Employment and health insurance should not be linked. Nor should wealth and health insurance.


I stand corrected then. Rest of the post holds true. If he recovered then they would’ve been hosed I guess.

Well, no. He’s got an estate and the hospital/insurer can go after his assets before they’re passed on to his family members. The house is probably fine since it was likely owned by husband and wife as tenants by the entireties, but his bank accounts, retirement accounts, stocks/investments, etc all likely have to go through probate.

So I skimmed this but didn’t see an answer - can providers choose not to accept his public option like they currently do with Medicaid?

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What’s the left-wing idea to move the Overton window and make M4A the centrist position?

Right, I fucked up because I was thinking about the friend’s end of things, not their mom’s.

Guillotines :flushed:



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Shots fired…
