Who will run in 2020?


This might dent him.




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Iā€™m sorry you backed the wrong horse, but Pete is openly promoting policy that is bad and he knows is bad to the delight of the corrupt donor class. Increment centrist BS isnā€™t how you win this fight, itā€™s how you pretend to fight. I get why you bought into the early hype but Pete has been shown to be a pretty bad presidential candidate at this time with no path to victory.

Your energy would be better spent on a real candidate who can actually passionately push a true progressive agenda and actually win. If Pete actually cared about helping the country and moving a progressive agenda forward he would drop out of this no win race and run for a local race in Indiana like Governor, House or even State Senate.

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I donā€™t know what this means. Can you please elaborate?

No seriously, itā€™s some catch phrase you use, but I need details. I donā€™t want to assume anything.

You guys are nuts re Kansas. Trump won it by 20 and still has + approval there.

Yes Kobach lost there. But they hate Kobach. They do not hate Trump.

If Trump loses Kansas, it is an insane landslide.

The poll you guys are thinking of is probably this:

"The survey found that Grissom led Kobach 52 percent to 42 percent, while every other Republican tested in a head-to-head matchup had at least an 8-point lead over the Democrat.

The poll also showed a generic Republican beating a generic Democrat by a 44-36 margin."

I mean Iā€™ll prepare for the official campaign statement reply, but Pete is taking money from corporate and lobbyist interests that donā€™t want to see single payer healthcare and weā€™re supposed to believe that he has good intentions in pushing what we all know to be bad policy?

Single payer healthcare has proven to be the best, most affordable, and most efficient form of healthcare because it is single payer. To not campaign on something that is so obviously good, popular, and crucially important to the health of this country is insanity. We are the only highly developed nation without single payer healthcare and spend more money per capita than any other nation for worse outcomes. We are the only developed nation that allows its citizens to go into financial ruin over a medical issue. But Pete says what every other developed nation does is unrealistic and we have to settle for some incremental crappy policy because reasons. Thatā€™s definitely the guy I want as a leader.


Kansas isnā€™t flipping in the presidential race. But there is a good chance to flip the senate seat IF Kobach is the nominee.

The vitriol against Buttigieg is so absurd. Good lord, what are you accomplishing by dog piling on the guy whoā€™s in a distant 5th place?


I think moreso the healthcare issue also shines a light on how a candidate will lead and fight for their agenda if elected. If youā€™re not willing to fight for what we all know is right and lead the way on an issue as crucial as healthcare, then how are you going to lead on other issues? We need a fighter, not someone who will start with a compromise and get completely blown over.

How is a candidate who canā€™t fight for an issue as objectively obvious as single payer healthcare going to fight on issues like protecting the environment, immigration, guns, or the fight that will come with replacing a Supreme Court justice?

Sorry, but for someone so unproven and with little else to go off of, this is a massive failure of leadership by Pete on this issue.

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Are Bernie and Liz for confiscating guns? If not, how will they ever lead and fight for garble garble if they cannot figure out that you need to confiscate the existing tens of millions of assault weapons, not just ban new ones. So objectively obvious.

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Is that Peteā€™s plan for gun control?

Seriously. Heā€™s not bad and even if he were, save it for Biden or Trump.

Itā€™s Betoā€™s but why would that matter to that line of reasoning?

Iā€™m open to that position being a legit criticism of Bernie and Liz and worthy of debate. I thought (possibly mistakenly) that you were implying legit criticism Peteā€™s position on m4a was not worthy of discussion because another candidate also has an inferior position on some separate issue.

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I mean, heā€™s basically Biden on issues but he still has all of his mental faculties.

Ok, you didnā€™t answer my question, so itā€™s ok if I assume?

Pete does not take money from ā€œcorporate and lobbyist interestsā€. You can continue to believe it if you want, I wonā€™t change your mind, Iā€™m sure, but if you want to go ahead and find a source that contradicts the campaign itself, Iā€™m all ears. If itā€™s just you refusing to believe that Pete or his campaign is sincere, then I donā€™t know what to tell you other than I wish there was less cynicism in this country.

I will say this one more time for those who apparently fall for the media manipulation: every single person in this country (besides lobbyists because fuck them and their rights, theyā€™re evil and fuck you Planned Parenthood and Sierra Club!) has a personal donation limit of $2800. Also, when you donate, you are required to list your place of employment and your occupation.

Then TYT or Common Dreams or Jacobin can aggregate all the donations from people who work at Amazon or Eli Lilly and use it as a cudgel against anyone who isnā€™t Bernie and say that person takes corporate money. Never mind that those $$ could come from anyone from the janitor to a scientist to an IT guy to the CEO.

Campaigns have no control and no communication with Super PACs.

regular PACs are formed when a group of people, like my grassroots group, wants to raise money for a cause or candidate. If your group raises more than $1000 for a candidate, then you MUST file as a PAC. We do everything on the cheap to not hit that limit, because its a fucking nightmare.

Now, if you want to argue that we need to end citizens united and have publicly funded elections, well, you get no argument from me. I 100% agree. But until then, Iā€™d rather have a tank than a switchblade for this fight.


Okay, but then stable genius will just run unopposed because there are literally no candidates in the field who pass the test: ā€œhey asshole, youā€™re not maximally progressive on the following list of things you should be obviously maximally progressive about, therefore how can we trust you to be progressive at allā€

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