Who will run in 2020?

Less good does not equal bad.

He just came in third in a poll in Iowa and we’re several months away from actual votes being cast.

That’s really her call, isn’t it? If she thinks Pete is the best candidate, which she seems to, then that’s where her energy is best spent.

So he should drop out of this “no win” race (again, he’s in the mix and we’re months from the first votes being cast) to run for Indiana governor??? Lol okay. I checked a while back, and his House seat is non competitive as well.

And even if he can’t win the nomination (he’s not my top choice and he’s a big underdog, obviously), he can position himself for VP or a cabinet position.

So why aren’t you in here railing against Booker who had been taking big pharma money for years, is polling worse than Pete and is still in the race?

This is laughably inaccurate. Educate yourself on both their positions. Start with democracy reform, SCOTUS, the filibuster, etc.


I will say for myself I have been pretty consistent on the fact that not being for M4A or Single Payer Healthcare is a disqualifier. That goes beyond just Pete but he was the example used. It is a disqualifier for Biden, Klobuchar, and the rest of the centrist crowd too.

I’m in overwhelming agreement. I thought that was my point. But I think we also agree coronating Biden for the sake of beating Trump is bad. That’s why we can and still should evaluate who is championing the best policies now in the primary.

Ah, a single-issue voter. I guess we have those on this side, too.

Just to clarify, being for M4A just not right away but as the long term goal, that’s the same as being against M4A?

Pete and Beto want to increase war department spending?

I get that maybe Pete wants the war department to focus less on war than they do, but they have like way way way way too much money imo. (not enough ways)

This is kind of shitty

I mean, yes, but, I have yet to receive any dick pics, rape threats, or wishes of cancer from anyone on this board, so all in all, it’s not bad. That is NOT an invitation, btw.

I do wonder why the “official campaign statement” wouldn’t be enough, though. Unless someone is so predisposed to hating a candidate that they refuse to actually believe them.

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I don’t really have anything against Buttigieg, I just find it weird that he has passionate supporters. Like back in '91 or '92 I was dating a college age woman and her favorite band was a-ha. There’s nothing in particular I could say was wrong with that, but it often left me scratching my head.

I don’t have a problem if you think Pete’s healthcare plan sucks or is even disqualifying, but that’s more of a judgment than an objectively obvious fact, it’s also not a strong reason to think he’d be weak on his other stated and I assume acceptably? progressive plans.

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I’m a democracy nerd, and I’m passionate about the only candidate willing to spend his political capital on fixing the problems the Trump admin has brought to light.

I know it’s inconceivable that someone could have a higher-rated concern than health care, but here I am.

Guess what (and this could absolutely blow people in here out of the water)? I actually like my health plan, and i think campaigning on taking shit away from people is never a winning strategy.

Beto apparently isn’t even out against private prisons.

(Wrong thread maybe and overly simplified but…) There is a small defense of the M4A half measure in which some say an opt in program, if designed and implemented correctly (a bunch of major ifs) could strategically lead to the private market failing and eventual full single payer m4a. Better medicare reimbursement rates would allow for lower premiums than the comparable guaranteed issue and subsidized private options. But there would have to still be GI (ACA) products in the private market. This seems to hinge on the perfect storm of the right design, ability to negotiate rates, and private insurers having to maintain guaranteed issue products, among other things. So it could backfire in a bunch of ways with a lot money invested in trying to make it fail at every step. Then we end up with “Well we tried and it failed”. That last point is why so many fear that not going all the way, might be doomed to fail and terrifies some and even think these half-way plans are plants to do exactly that.

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I’ll give it a shot – the last far far far less radical healthcare reform adventure the country undertook was met with an immediate loss of congress that undertook it, 9 years of sabotage of said healthcare reform adventure by bad faith partisanship, and arguably set the stage for the election of a nightmare clown. I can’t judge a candidate too harshly if they want to tread a little lightly here; and “lightly” is actually pretty damn good reform if you can get it into law.


Let’s tread lightly while millions of people continue to go into massive amount of debt and/or die from medical conditions.

That seems ok to you?


I like my plan as well but I’m well off and healthy and my employer gets a tax benefit on subsidizing my premiums that many can’t get by purchasing it as an individual. This is one of those issues where I’m not concerned about my own situation, but rather the dire situation many others are in. I don’t mean to imply anyone else here doesn’t want the best for everyone else as well, but I’m not coming at this from a I hate my own situation stand point. On top of that l don’t have concerns that my personal situation would be any worse off. Costs are out of control and the incentives are perversely aligned. Single payer allows for leverage against Rx and Providers.

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Two of the biggest posters ITT have him at 1 or 2 in their power rankings. We must continue to fight against that.

Meh, his RCP average is 5.6%. He polls well in Iowa and he’ll probably poll well in Indiana too.

The fight is that Biden is still +10.5 in the RCP average.

I appreciate Beto moving the Overton window on gun control, and he’s not wrong, but I think he’s a liability in the GE. I don’t expect that there will be too many people flip votes from the Dem nominee to Trump because of him, but he’s obvious fodder to motivate the other side. Republicans vote more, sure, but we’re hoping for lower GOP turnout due to ambivalence with Trump. I think gun grabbing motivates the right to turn out more than socialism.


If the stars align, let’s give it a shot, I’m a skittish Warren-bro and I’m certainly in favor of single payer and would benefit from it, but I also think it’s a hail mary to ever happen, and I wouldn’t necessarily want to lose the election over it by over-polarizing progressives about it and risking an enthusiasm dip if sleepy wins the nom.

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Ugh. This sounds a lot like “I got mine…”

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