Who will run in 2020?

I actually found out something about Pete the other day that I didn’t know (hard to believe, lol), and he doesn’t really talk about at all. He spent a semester in Tunisia studying Arabic.


So is Ohio. For the love of god, forget about these purple states that are much more red then blue that don’t have senate races in 2020.

North Carolina, Arizona, Iowa and Georgia are winnable to some degree. Focus on those. Hell, I’d rather them focus on Texas and even Kansas and Kentucky rather than fucking Ohio and Florida.


Nice… Its a beautiful place, right next to the Med sea and also not the safest place for an American to go to study. I’m Impressed. :+1:

I have come to this conclusion not on my own but actually by reading this forum (and its predecessors).

It would be great if M4A gets implemented, but I think it’s going to take 10-20 years for that to happen, so the path there is essentially what Pete is proposing. However, if we use Pete’s as the starting position we may never get to M4A.

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Florida absolutely deserves attention before all the other states you listed… Yes they’ve lost a few key statewide races lately, but they’ve all been very close. And it’s quite a different electorate than the rust belt states. Ohio wasn’t nearly as close in 2016. And if they win Ohio, they’ve already won MI, WI, and PA.

After FL, AZ and NC. Then GA. OH and IA are in pretty similar territory imo.

Kentucky? Kansas? Come on, are you drunk? Trump won those by 20-30 in 2016. And he still has high approval there.

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I could buy putting AZ ahead of FL on priority list I guess.

Exactly. We’ve tried “starting with the compromise” several times and it always failed.

The best example of this was the nomination of Merrick Garland. Orrin Hatch literally said before an announcement had been made that Obama should nominate Garland. How did that go?

It’s 2019. Fuck any weak-ass half measures.

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I think picking a female running mate would cause an avalanche of obnoxious “girl power” articles which would be a distraction from the campaign. I feel like it represents an unnecessary risk for zero potential upside. I could be convinced with a really great candidate.

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In the supposed “blue wave” of 2018, Florida coughed up an incumbent held Democratic senate seat. Fuck Florida. They don’t even have a senate race. I don’t care.

Kansas elected a Democratic governor in 2018 and has a retiring senator. Yeah, it’s a deep long shot, but I’d say let’s try it.

Taking back the senate is almost as important as getting the White House.

agree about Kansas. Their trickle-down utopia experiment was a catastrophic failure, and people there are pissed. I think it is more in play than general wisdom thinks it is.

No one will ever know or care about Kansas because Democrats are terrible at everything.

I read a tweet today that said Kobach was like 9/10 points behind, let’s see if I can find it.

Nope sorry. :pensive:

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Agreed. I haven’t followed the race, but I did see something about a hypothetical matchup poll that had the Democrat well in the lead.

No way, your initial read is right, Florida is still the likeliest to flip back after the blue wall states, maybe if Iowans take to Liz it could flip too, but NC, AZ/TX are landslide scenarios. Agreed that OH is lost.

Think Beto is a great pick for Warren, Castro too. Imagine dgaf Beto debating Pence.

There are some good points here, other than grouping KS with KY… And I’d put AZ above FL. But a great point about Ohio in that it’s just never going to be the tipping point state in 2020 because Dems can’t win it and lose MI, PA, WI.

Pence might faint if Beto drops an f bomb.

dgaf Beto could come out in drag and Pounce would have to scurry home to mother

FL not being in play seems kinda bananas to me.

It’s rigged