Who will run in 2020?

I like his approach. Why is it bad?

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a different path to single payer = “doesn’t support M4A”, I guess?

He doesn’t think Bernie’s plan is realistic. Neither do I. I guess I’m awful!

If you’re a Democrat who isn’t advocating for single payer you’re either corrupt or stupid. You can determine which Pete is, but it’s an automatic disqualifier for any Dem candidate in 2020.


How is it not realistic? Everything the government does is with funny money and bullshit accounting anyway.

I mean, lol, but as long as you vote D, welcome aboard pal.

You sound like the type of condescending establishment Dem that worked for the Clinton campaign and gave us Trump.

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because ending a trillion dollar industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people in 4 years while forcing people to give up things that make them feel safe (because they’ve never been offered an alternative) without letting them come to the conclusion themselves is unrealistic.

Pete’s plan, if you care, is to get to M4A by allowing people to choose the government option, and forcing the companies to compete or die. Sorry you don’t like that.

Yes, definitely not the condescending guy who threw out “corrupt or stupid.”

Narrator: he didn’t care

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Calling Pete (and skydiver8 essentially) stupid or corrupt is wrong and bad.

But, skydiver8, is it more honest to say “allow people to choose Medicare” or “allow people to choose to pay for Medicare”?

I don’t really think the thing about Medicare is so much that people want to be specially on Medicare so much as they want to just have insurance and not pay through premiums.

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The end goal is government-provided single payer, with the public option being the first step. If the private insurers want to change to go the supplemental route, or reduce costs to compete with the public option, they are free to do so.

The point of the first step is to make the government option so good that it costs way less (subsidized with taxes, cutting military and other spending, wealth tax, etc) than anything the private insurers can provide.

So yeah, you’d be paying for the public option…for now.

Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m just not a revolutionary, it’s not in my temperament, and that it’s easier to force change in small doses. I’m not interested in blowing up the country. shrug I know there will always be people who want change NOW and won’t stand for less, and I accept that. Unfortunately, they seem to have trouble accepting those of us who are more measured in our approach.

(as an aside, being called corrupt and stupid by so-called “socialists” is an everyday occurrence on reddit and twitter for me. Especially on days like today, when Pete is ahead of Bernie in one poll in Iowa :roll_eyes:)

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I have a different idea about strategy than you I think. I think if all the people who want M4A push as hard as they can they’ll be lucky to get what you’re describing as a compromise. I don’t think starting with the compromise is better.



In a perfect world, maybe this works… In GOP land of we will strip the shit out of all public services, people will be affected and it will collapse even before being started imo.

Anyone proposing this or supporting it should goto Europe on holiday and see how a real National Health Service works for themselves.

The tell on Mayor Pete is how much donor class types love him.

The venn diagram of Mayor Pete supporters and “people who think Bret Stephens makes some really good points” is one vomit-inducing circle.

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I’m a big donor, I guess. My name is on the FEC report. I guess I’m evil. I hate Bret Stephens, btw.

(spoiler alert: according to the FEC and the people who use their data for gatekeeping, a “big donor” is someone they can track by name on the reports, which is someone who donates more than…wait for it…$200)

off to the guillotine for me!

Well tbh you own a Tesla too.

I love them too BTW.

Pete has never left the country (or maybe even Indiana) afaik

International Travel is essential to a healthy life. :sunglasses::v::joy:

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Haha , nope. Never been anywhere. Definitely not to the UK :joy:

52% of our country would resent that comment. :smirk: