Who will run in 2020?

I think it’s hardly a foregone conclusion that Liz has a better chance at the nom than Bernie. They are split 5 to 5 for who leads in polls this week on RCP. But, if Liz wins I don’t see him turning down VP if he thinks it helps the ticket. I just hope it becomes clear enough that they don’t chop up the vote so much that Biden wins, or the if there’s not a majority the Dems don’t just go ahead and nominate HRC (though she’s better than Biden).

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I hate FL so fucking much


ugh. Is it bad to be rooting for climate change in this case?

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Florida is a lost cause. I’d rather work on Texas. But the Dems have to focus on MI, WI, PA etc. Trump is underwater in approval in IA and OH too.

Trump’s highest approval rating is in Alabama, which is 26% Black. Considering all the other demographics that means white people are probably about 90% pro-Trump and white men are probably very close to 100%

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Tammy Duckworth makes a lot of sense to me. Haven’t seen her discussed much though


I had to Google her and she indeed looks like a great VP candidate.

she may not be eligible, born in Thailand, although John McCain was born in Panama, so who the hell knows

Of course if Tammy is in the ticket and the Dems win this would end up in the Supreme Court where in a 5-4 decision they’ll declare that since she was ineligible the whole election is invalid and we don’t get a do-over so Trump remains for 4 more years.



oof, Yang. Iowans not trusting the “free money” angle, maybe? That looks really bad for him.

As for the rest of that poll, Biden and Warren almost tied for first, Pete in 3rd, and Klob up to 5th. Harris tanking.

And bad for them. They are all for free money, just not for anyone else, apparently.


Yeah, i don’t understand why he’s doing that poorly in Iowa, where UBI would probably help a lot more than in other places.

Can’t wait to see the Selzer poll coming very shortly. one of the best Iowa pollsters, and the only one who predicted Obama’s 2008 win in the caucus.

Also, Pete and Warren both being more favorable than Biden makes me happy.

lol corn and caucuses

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VP is completely meaningless

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Warren/Booker or Warren/Castro

I want to vote for Warren/Pete.

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The ultimate “grab Trump voters ticket” would be Yang/Tulsi.

lol, y’all know it’s gonna be like Biden/Delaney or some shit like that because Dems cannot not fuck up.


Pete doesn’t support M4A and has proven himself to be everything that is awful about establishment dems