Who will run in 2020?

Amen. I wish Pete would stop attacking other Democratic candidates using Republican talking points.


Seems I’m pretty boring and not high-score-ish





We are not on the same team.

Establishment centrist Dems are closer to being on the same team as Republicans than they are to being on the side of people who believe in true liberal progressive policies. It is there existence that allows Republicans to remain in power. It’s unfortunate that you don’t see how much damage Pete’s campaign has already done.

And he did it knowing it was wrong, but he went down this path because he decided that carving out a lane for him personally to improve his chances of winning was more important than positive progressive change for our country.

Harriot had it right. Pete cares more about being something than changing anything.


The tweet isn’t about Pete but it might as well be.


Goddamn, I thought I was the only O’Malley stan on this forum. Dude would have absolutely demolished Trump.

JFC, just watch Hillary and CBS News give him the stink-eye as he calls for being more humane toward Syrian refugees --way back in 2015, well before Trump’s internment camps.



I grew up in MD, so me and Marty go way back… The thought of him going full Carcetti mode on Cuchinelli just makes me happy.


That CBS clip is wild. O’Malley definitely has a boring old white guy vibe to him but damn if he wasn’t on the right side of history way before it was cool. Sucks that he never got the Mayor Pete treatment from the media.


i’m ideally for revolution, but i’ll happily settle for incrementalism. political compass thinks i’m che guevara so i think political compass .org might be a little funny, idk

LMFAO. In SE Ohio I’ve apparently been living in the epicenter of dangerous Syrian refugees since 2012 and I’ll be dammed if I can recall a single terrorist attack. Lots of stories of opioid addicts stabbing people at the Waffle House and some crazy-ass white dude shot 27 people in a bar with an AR-15; these Jihadi Syrian refugees need to step up their game.

Belligerent Martin O’Malley chasing some bigoted taintstain out of the Dubliner on behalf of refugee children is a great moment in Irish-American history and it makes me extremely proud. I really hope there is security cam footage of this.

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In florida we’ll take all the skilled bombers we can get to assist in defending the interstate Subway sandwich shops from sudden bathsalt zombie attacks.


Here’s me. Pretty boring.


My view of how the primary has shaped up so far regarding Warren: initially she positioned herself further left than her record as a Senator, which seems like a disingenuous but justifiable strategy if you viewed the race as a contest between Warren, Bernie, and Biden. Whether planned or not, the result had her stealing a lot of support from Bernie, as someone who would mirror a lot of his policies without the baggage of the self admitted socialist label. She was also in a good position to take Biden supporters who just wanted to get behind the most electable/leading candidate. Capturing the progressive voters helped give her a base of support so that if/when Biden imploded she would appear to be the next reasonable choice for a lot of his voters.

Then Buttigieg took his shot. I don’t think that’s what caused her to release her transition plan though. It just happened to coincide with Buttigieg surging ahead into a lane where he’d be better positioned to benefit from Biden’s loss. This forum has been super dismissive of his position, citing the difference in demographics between his supporters and Biden’s. That’s entirely ignoring the most significant voting block though. People who are mostly ignorant on policy but just want to get behind a winner (whether for tactical or psychological reasons). The fact is you’re not going to win over those voters with any set of positions, but they will 100% decide the election.

These are the same voters that gave HRC the win in 2016. Doesn’t matter that Bernie polled better in swing states, polled better vs Trump, or stood for policies that would have had a better impact on most people’s lives. You can blame the media for not covering him fairly enough, maybe you’re right, or maybe even a fair media would be powerless to get people to take a risk on a guy who doesn’t act like the politicians they’re used to, but that doesn’t matter either because the media environment hasn’t changed. This primary election will 100% be determined by a bunch of mostly ignorant voters who will only vote for someone they feel is electable.

The Bernie supporters in this forum should seriously ask themselves what Bernie’s plan is for getting anything outside of the progressive vote, because I’m not seeing it. If you think there are enough progressive voters to give him the nomination if only Warren got out of his way you’re living in a fantasy world. It’s strange to me to see so many here cheering on Warren’s demise and Bernie’s rise in the polls because that won’t give Bernie the nomination, it will just ensure someone like Biden or Buttigieg wins. I could almost be convinced to get behind Buttigieg as a tactical play if this trend continues but I think he’s peaking too early and he’ll be absolutely obliterated once he has to deal with frontrunner attacks and scrutiny. If Warren doesn’t recover though I’ll absolutely get behind anyone but Biden. You guys think that will be Bernie, but I assure you it will not. There are better odds Bloomberg jumps into that spot.

FWIW I don’t expect to change any minds with this post, probably a lot of you won’t even read it, just putting it out there so I can quote myself in 6 months to show everyone I was right.



How is this dude not a top-3 contender for the Democratic nominee? Lord Jesus, I stan this shit for life.


What makes you say that? The progressive ratings I’ve seen, the ones that rate people in Congress by their voting record, put Liz to the left of Bernie.

Just going off her positions on M4A, college debt forgiveness, and a wealth tax. I’m going off memory so I could be wrong but I don’t remember her campaigning on or proposing any of those prior to her Presidential run.

Voting ratings are super sketch because all the details that go into each bill.

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Wow, what a remarkable coincidence that a black woman endorsing Pete’s campaign is standing in the background of this clip.

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