Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Jesus Christ the accompanying photos.

They’re real, they’re just not the target market for the NYT.

Really important to remember who owns and edits the NYT.

what the fuck they needed their parents to bail them out of $30k??? that’s fukken peanuts.


I mean, I think they’re sort of right. The triumph of white supremacy was to make these things that were basically reserved for white people SEEM race neutral to the NYT audience (i.e. middle/upper class white people).

I just got around to signing it, it now has 327,351 signatures. Assuming they’re all genuine this means 1 person in every 75 in Australia has signed.


Dilbert guy is on Ari’s show on MSNBC right now.


… however, some observers claim that their beliefs may not be well founded. Here are some quotes from QAnon members.


Daily Fox News check-in

I remember how it was kind of a big deal a few years ago when Fox News became a separate entity from the rest of the Fox entertainment empire. There were a few stories about how certain entertainers were relieved because they could work in the Fox orbit without having to be associated with FNC and the Murdochs.

And now I can’t get through a Fox NFL Sunday or any sporting event or TV ad break on a Fox network show without at least one Fox News Channel promo with Hannity and Laura’s smug faces staring punchably right at me. So did they just undo all of that and it’s one big happy deplorable family again or what? If they’re not connected at all then why the promos?

Every fucking time



Fox News and Fox Sports were the only two entities Murdoch retained.

Just more GOP operatives showing up in the NYT, presented as run of the mill folks desperate for some LAW AND ORDER. One is the kid of Trump’s ambassador to Luxembourg, probably went to Exeter with the dipshit who wrote the article:


Part of a longer thread, twitter figured this out in 10 minutes. Can only assume it’s not an accident from our friends at the NYT.

Please don’t give them your money.


LOL she definitely just called up her friends from the resume building right-wing grooming cesspools that led her to the NYT.



They just have no shame at this point.

Let’s take a peek at their debate analysis


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It takes them getting trump’s taxes for me to actually go read their paper. Cliffs?

They published a long article about how “normal” Georgia voters are breaking for Trump because Democrats are for lawlessness, or something. The examples of this cited in the article were people who turned out to be a) a paid GOP consultant and b) the child of Trump’s ambassador to Luxembourg. One of them was presented as an “interior designer” even though a quick google search turns up no indication of such a business. You or I could have figured this out in 10 minutes.


Also this is like the seventh time they’ve been caught doing this.