Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I think a lot of it is that reporters are just too lazy to go find actual Real Americans and just talk to people they already know, and they mostly just know political hacks.

Their intentionality on this shit really is well past the reasonable doubt and presumed innocent stages.

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But I’ve been told on this very site that journalists cannot assert what is true and what is not. The person said they’re an interior designer, the NYT reported that she said she’s an interior designer, all done!


Dems are too lazy to offer up to journalists their own competing slate of “real” Americans.

We report, you decide

giphy (4)

Great job fellas, A+


Uh… Is there any chance we could get some media contacts? Imagine if the people on this board could be the man on the street. 100% not kidding. Does anyone know anyone or even how it works?

My guess is their “Everyman” sources are either their friends’ friends or are literally supplied by local political party leadership. I’ve been banging away on this for years, they are SO GOD DAMN LAZY.

Which is why offering to bring them what they want might actually work? I’m really good at making lazy people like me lol. I can also do a mean concerned small business person™.

Yeah this is probably right.












oh of course he is.

it’s very hard for the nytimes media columnist to see the difference between a comedy movie full of pranks and an org that pretends to do journalism

Peggy Noons is back on her bullshit:



Hoo boy.

The fact that Kamala Harris is seen as the “younger candidate” exemplifies what an age problem the Democratic party has. She’s not young. By most generational definitions, she’s a boomer.

If she were inaugurated on January 20th, she would be the 30th youngest president (out of 46) at the time of inauguration.

W was younger. Nixon was younger. Cleveland was younger, and then he was younger still 8 years later.


Imagine being paid so much money for being/acting this stupid in public.

Peggy Noonan’s gin-soaked ass will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember watching the following clip live when it aired and honestly just being horrified in ways that I can’t fully express. George Will (you will remember George Will as being one of the principled Never Trumpers who today is posing as someone who isn’t a Nazi) argues that if we tell the world about all the torture we’re doing, the terrorists will prep themselves and be able to resist waterboarding, because that’s definitely a thing they can train themselves to do.

And then in comes Peggy Noonan with this performance that has haunted me to the bone and terrified me for so long. We shouldn’t think about the terrorism we do because it simply isn’t decent. Just walk away. We’re all upper-class white people here, no one needs to worry themselves about who’s getting their toenails ripped out or their testicles electrocuted, the important thing is that we are a Great Nation. just walk away from all that unpleasant stuff. There’s something so fucking callous and elitist and entitled about this clip that I’ve just never been able to really process. Peggy doesn’t care about the human consequences of our torture policies, she just doesn’t want her four-martini lunch to be spoiled with unpleasant images.

God bless Sam Donaldson, he tried in his own way to hold America accountable to some nut-low moral standard, but he was just outgunned. Even the supposedly liberal Cokie Roberts thought we should just erase all the tapes of us doing the torture on random Iraqis. Some of you younger folks reading this may not remember what the 2000’s were like, but “we should delete footage of the CIA torturing people” was the LIBERAL stance at the time.