Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Assuming this analysis is right, it looks like the emails were almost certainly forged as there are images in the pdf that were added after the pdf created.


This is some CSI shit. Somebody call Iced T!

But to make matters even more interesting; if you view the “VP” icon, you will also notice that the right side of it is flat, and there is a very light gray color around it which does not match the background of the document. The gray background aligns perfectly with where the would-be circle is abruptly squared off. This confirms that someone used an editing tool to cut this icon out and then paste it onto a new document.

Guiliani was the global chairman of his law firm’s cybersecurity and crisis management group and Trump’s cybersecurity adviser. He will get to the bottom of this.


Sounds like he already has iykwim

Impossible. Don’t you know this is USA#1???

This is correct, of course.


I haven’t watched MTP in years but have it on this morning watching Chuck interview Azar. It is absolutely fucking ludicrous. What is the point of Chuck Todd?


Let history, not partisans, prosecute Trump (The Washington Post actually ran this editorial today)

Ah the dangers of context free analysis. I’m a lot less worried about appearing a little bit anti norms than I am about letting extremely anti norms people think that running for POTUS and fucking shit up is a free roll. Everyone who served in the Trump admin needs to be investigated and then prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We gave Nixon and a lot of his people a pass and it made Trump possible. I don’t even want to think about what letting this happen and not punishing anyone would enable.


Can we have borrow this woman to take Chuck Todd’s job?



Was just gonna post this one. Utter dismantling.

I started to read that yesterday and all the writer was saying there doesn’t need to be a special process like you have for war crimes. She wasn’t saying that Trump and members of his admin shouldn’t be investigated and prosecuted, but just through the current state and federal courts. She also said that like when the challenger blew up there could be a commission to look into and prevent our Covid response. I was like great headline. NOT!

Here’s a heartwarming story of a young married couple, as profiled in the NEW YORK TIMES, titled “In Love and Out of Debt.”



What’s next? If you guessed “got bailed out by our wealthy parents,” collect your prize.




And of course…



His parents own a construction company. Her parents live in Santa Barbara. Here is their house / yard. Absolutely no hint of self-awareness from any of the disgusting people in this article, including the author (sometimes they wink at the audience).

So embarrassing.


It’s rare you can even save by driving over flying, usually that’s just because you waited until the last minute.

An LA to Vegas flight is probably what, $150 on am average Friday? Barely up and down?

I was certain this is an old article but no. Published Oct 16th 2020. No idea why they have to turn these stupid articles into franchises.

Posted in the Trump thread but relevant here.

At least two reporters refused to have their name on the story, so the only reporter is a former Hannity producer who has never had a byline in the Post before.

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lol NYTimes.


So what’s the deal here really. Do the people at the nytimes just imagine that everyone has well off parents because they all had well off parents? Or do they just not consider the poorest ~60% of Americans to be real people? Like they just don’t count?

Onion. Also, fire the editor.