Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Yeah I thought Nancy looked awful there. No idea why she would do the interview in the first place.

Yeah I’m not one to defend Wolf, but Nancy was atrocious there. She needs to go away ASAP.



Lol. Somebody needs to tell her elections happen in other countries without 3hr queues.

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This. I have voted in a village with fewer than 500 people and in a city of half a million. In both cases I had a five minute walk and have never had to wait for longer than that.

I have twice voted absentee (in two different cities) and again I could just do everything in around five minutes and leave the ballot there - so even though it was called a mail-in ballot, it was early voting for me.

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Polling areas and stations where I am. My assigned polling station serves 1,945 residents - has around 4 booths and I’ve never queued more than a couple of minutes - and it’s a 5 minute walk max.


Yeah I mean it’s a silly argument. If the only way to avoid these huge lines is through overcapacity, then she should be in favor of closing down lots of rural polling places. There are clearly too many of them.

I’ve never waited longer than 5 minutes to vote in Ireland and don’t think I know anybody who has ever waited longer than 15 minutes.

It’s basically just a rerun of the gun control and healthcare issues. Apparently insurmountable problems that many other countries have surmounted.



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It’s by design, we want people not voting so terrible people can remain in power. Also people only bitch about it around election time then stop once the election is over so it’s an easy “problem” (depending on perspective) for both sides to ignore. Statewide vote by mail solves it of course, which is why red states will never have it.

The fact that there are long lines in D cities in states with D governors, is terrible. Obviously R’s are far worse at this and do it intentionally, but D’s need to do more than bitch and moan about suppression every election (and then ignore it once the election is over).

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Long lines for major concerts ended over 20 years ago when ticket sales went online. She’s so dumb.

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Many Americans don’t acknowledge superiority of any other country on anything at all. Never. For much of the population it is simply accepted that the USA is the best at everything. Thats why they don’t have to ever learn anything about any other country, let alone visit one.


Depends on where you are. Concerts/sporting events in TX always have gigantic lines to go through security, while the last time I went to something in NY, everyone was allowed to just walk right in.

I guess you haven’t been to Mets or Yankees games? I can’t remember the last time it took less than 30 minutes to get into either stadium.

There are a lot of problems this year with finding poll workers willing to expose themselves to the virus. Like in Milwaukee for the primary there were only a couple polling places open for a half million people, 100% due to staffing shortage. Milwaukee County is D run.

Aren’t there often long lines in Philly?

There have also been long lines to vote in NOVA so far this year. Hopefully will get better as they are opening a few more sites and there is a long early voting period.

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Comments are good

What’s the consensus on this anyway? Are the emails straight up fabricated? I read some talking head on Twitter hypothesize that they hacked Hunters iCloud and got texts and photos. Were the emails just concocted to go along with it all? The weird misspellings and grammatical errors in the emails are suspicious IMO.

I’m also very confused by the supposed scandal of the Biden’s making business deals…in 2017.