Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

What did Lester Holt do?

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D’oh, I got him mixed up with Matt Lauer.

Wtf are you babbling about, it is absolutely a legitimate journalistic decision as to exactly when you want to offer to interview a candidate. Hell, if it’s not then generate the time and place via a random number generator than precisely the worse time possible.

What day are you voting for Trump, btw?

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Biden and Trump are holding a town hall a the same time. How should “objective news person from network X” decide what to broadcast live?

I think the way they’re doing it is fine. NBC gets to have its journalists moderate the Trump town hall so they’re going to broadcast theirs live. Same thing with ABC and Biden. I’m not actually sure if it’s like the debates where any other network can stream the same thing live but they probably won’t, they’ll just cover it later.

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lol trump whines about being treated unfairly whether there is a legit claim or not and you think he won’t do that if the media is fair and plays his thing as well, yeah okkkk

That the entire unmasking investigation being utter bullshit and a complete flop is nowhere to be found above the fold on news sites, amplified on twitter, etc., is all you need to know about how horrible the media is.

Of course, but the claim of bias is more powerful when there is a legitimate grievance.

It was definitely on the front page of the WaPo website this morning, although now it’s been displaced by some Charlie Kirk news.




If Trump wanted to be on TV he should not have refused to participate in the second debate.


The NYT is still doing this shit in 2020:


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Guys guys guys. The NY Post published a comically implausible explanation for how it got the Hunter Biden emails that are incredibly unlikely to be real, but don’t you know that the real scandal is that the New York Times sometimes uses anonymous sources?

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Good god, Wolf Blitzer makes me sympathetic to Nancy Pelosi here

Really? I actually thought Wolf was good here. It’s a totally legitimate question.