Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Dueling views! You decide! Fuck off.

I like how West Mexico is the second most eastern Mexico.


Remember when NBC decided to give Megyn a platform and then immediately had to yank her show?





Gosh, maybe you should have considered this before signal boosting it!

She is the fucking worst.

It’s not really a secret. They hired Roger fking Ailes to turn CNBC into what it is today. Every MSNBC firebrand they’ve ever had has either been let go (Olbermann, Schultz before RT) or is hanging on by the skin of their teeth (O’Donnell) and their flagship morning news program is hosted by…a Republican former congressman, who also formerly had a prime time slot opposite Hannity who couldn’t stay on the air despite Andy Lack’s best efforts and broad support because it’s a god damn network that’s supposed to be catering to the left you idiots. :man_facepalming: I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to wake up any given day to find out that Maddow’s contract was not renewed for no particular reason.

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Anyone confused by NBC being terrible needs only to look at “Meet the Press” for guidance. Their “journalist” panels literally always include GOP operatives. They give Jason Miller, a wife-beating deadbeat dad who slipped his stripper side piece the morning after pill without her knowledge, 15 minutes a week to lie with impunity. They put Hugh Hewitt on the show. Its straight up GOP propaganda hour.


NBC News covered for Lester Holt, tried to stop Ronan Farrow’s MeToo reporting, gave Megyn Kelly her own show, and is now giving Trump a competing townhall. They’re just a more respectable Fox News at this point.


This is lol, it would be absurd for news organizations to refuse to broadcast one town hall or the other. He’s the president of the United States running for re-election. It’s newsworthy!

Um, by hosting the Trump townhall, they are refusing to broadcast the Biden townhall. Unless they’re going to do some crazy split screen.

This is an awful take.

Trump bailed on the virtual debate, giving him equal air time is rewarding his juvenile temper tantrum and implies the candidates are equally responsible for the lack of an actual debate.

Right, news organizations have an obligation to cover both. It’s reasonable for both campaigns to hold town halls at the same time as when the canceled event would have taken place. Obviously they can’t all cover both simultaneously, but if all the networks decided to ignore Trump’s town hall and broadcast Biden’s then that would be inexcusable.

It isn’t the job of a straight TV news person to make those sorts of editorial judgments.

Bullshit. They’re bailing him out after he acted like a fucking toddler. It is awful and completely indefensible.

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So you think all the networks should show Biden’s town hall and just ignore Trump’s?

Among a dozen other reasons, you know it’s bullshit because if the idea was to inform people they would run it a different night so that people could watch both candidates. Going head to head is almost certainly something Trump wanted.

NBC is an arm of the Republican Party, period.


As it pertains to a live broadcast at that particular date and time, yes.

Biden planned his first.


So then you’d have the optics of Trump doing his event at the same time, covered by Fox probably, with NBC, ABC, and CBS all broadcasting Biden while ignoring Trump? “They’ve treated me very unfairly, let me tell you.”

But in any case, again, this isn’t a judgement that supposedly objective news people should be making. Both Biden’s town hall and Trump’s town hall are objectively newsworthy and it wouldn’t be appropriate for one to be broadcast and the other ignored.