Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

also tbh most families with this income probably have the gucci and range rovers and don’t have the retirement/college money going in and are still complaining.

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That thing is like 4 years old, they dust it off periodically to make free spending morons (their customers) feel better.

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Our income is significantly less than that and we live embarrassingly well while saving a bunch.

What’s amazing is that the budget legitimately under-states actual expenses for most coastal people I know with that income. They’re not driving Toyota’s and they spend like 10x that much on travel/vacations/partying.


Yeah that chart is basically ‘we make 400k but we can’t live a life totally and completely without material compromises’. Well no, you can’t. Almost no one can.

Fk CNBC now and forevermore

Time for this classic




Is Fallon a poor media choice? Last night had me rolling. At one point he’s playing clips of Trump from his most recent phone interviews and Questlove refuses to believe those are real quotes. He accuses Fallon of doctoring them to punk him lololol


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Replies to that are pretty good.

Pretty clear that the old white dudes in charge at NBC are closet deplorables.

Could you imagine watching this show every Sunday?



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Chiefsplanet is pretty sure that ratio goes the other way. 2 or 3 right-wing extremists and 48 Steve Scalise shooters.

I’m not following your convos and just posting this in response to your video.

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So Gerardo is now a pastor in rural Kentucky. I kid you not.

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Rudd is former Prime Minister of Australia. A Royal Commission is an independent investigative commission chaired by a senior judge, with sweeping powers to compel people to appear and testify under oath. It’s what we do when some specific thing appears to be fucked up and we need to get to the bottom of it. These are the ongoing ones:

  1. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety (2018–present)
  2. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (2019–present)
  3. Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (2020–present)

That last is regarding the bungled bushfire response last summer.

I doubt this gets up, but good to have a well-connected guy like Rudd start to push back on Murdoch.


This is legitimately awful and worth getting mad about. Suburban NPR Karens are a crucial demographic in this election.

This is maybe the biggest both sides reach in memory.


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