Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices




You have got to be kidding me. The New York Times is both sidesing COVID precautions right now? Motherfucking really?

What a disgraceful rag.

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Fuck these people. Nuke the WH press corps.


Further we’d like to express our sincerest thanks to Kayleigh for speaking to us without a mask yesterday and sharing the coronavirus with us, so that we might all get that valuable first hand experience. Thanks Madam Press Secretary, you’re an inspiration!

“Especially the white house” :skull_and_crossbones:

Trump just suckered all 3 major networks into running his clown show photo op for free. So why would anyone expect the NYT to not both sides COVID?

Eh this was news. And he did not win this in any way shape or form. We’re watching the emperor has no clothes moment on national fucking TV. Learn when it’s time to just gape at the television and catalogue every single thing you experienced when it happened. I wish I had concrete memories from a lot of random big dates.

Thank god for this site… I’m going to be rereading a few of these threads for straight up giggles a year later. The end parts in particular are going to get a lot of replay value until I stop feeling so awful about this entire thing.

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Won’t somebody think of the “wealthy”?!

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lol i’m pretty sure similar has been posted here before with maybe this same exact table.

Man they can only save 3K a month for retirement, and only put 1500 a month towards their kids college.

Not to mention marginal tax rate means someone making 400k would only lose 1% to biden’s tax plan.


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They’ve got a sweet healthcare plan.

They probably should have thought about their budget more before buying a $2M home and over-extending themselves, thus jeopardizing their ability to pay for a combined 34 years of high end private education while also saving $39K a year for retirement.

But I guess now it’s up to Joe Biden to make sure it doesn’t all go to shit for them. Imagine the indignity if they had to move to a $1.5M home!

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Honestly I think itemizing literally everything that they need to buy and then claiming “cash flow after expenses to pay for miscellaneous: $34/year” is fucking hilaaaarious. Motherfucker there aren’t any miscellaneous expenses left because you’ve written them all out!

Let’s see CNBC do one of these for a single mom working 2 jobs at minimum wage.


Someone guillotine the guy who put this together


They’re also pretending that retirement savings and mortgage payments just vanish into thin air. This family struggling to make ends meet is saving 80,000 per year in tax sheltered asset accumulation vehicles. That more than most families have as top line income.


But how will they survive without a 529 plan???

In their 2 million dollar mansion.


also that 5K a month on childcare, when the kids hit public school age, assuming they public school and not private, lul, another easy 5K a month to do whatever you want with.

You didn’t think they were going to forego Range Rovers and Gucci forever, did you?

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