Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I predict the usual low energy, disinterested delivery. There is a 50% chance he goes off script, but even then there won’t be any new material. He’s like a water damaged robot, there isn’t any capacity for new inputs.

I mean this is insane. How do people, especially a journalist, not know how he really is?

Nailed it.




This summarizes my feelings about most of the discussion, and why it’s bad.



From today’s Columbus Dispatch:


Who could possibly say?


Great job CNN. Please do not give them clicks, eyeballs, money, anything. Just don’t do it.


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But did they knock this time?

This is correct


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Fighting a propaganda war with shameless Nazis doesn’t necessarily sound like a great strategy.

It’s better than surrendering a propaganda war to shameless nazis imo. They’re gonna do the propaganda regardless.


We currently live in a post fact world. That was the main effect of Trump winning the election. He proved the truth doesn’t matter to most voters (at the time).

Part of this election is whether people want a return to the truth. For nearly 4 years, Trump has been pounding that all news is fake (except his news) and to not believe anything you’re seeing or hearing unless it’s coming out of his mouth. You’re advocating for a strategy that would literally make ‘fake news’ to combat him. There is no world where the left should be engaging in false or highly misleading propaganda to show we can do it. We can do it, and we can do it way better than they can. It’s unethical and immoral to do so.

If you want to see the Q types blow up in massive numbers, the easiest way to do that is to actually create what that fringe element fears.

News media used to be heavily regulated by the FCC so there would be no doubt that you could trust the news you were consuming (clear delineation between fact reporting and opinion that’s been blurred to almost non-existent levels). That needs to return. Massive fines for intentional lying need to happen. Licenses pulled or inability to stream need to happen again. None of that will happen with Trump in (except in reverse), but the nearly total destruction of the FCC under Trump is again an extremely important thing that needs to be addressed after a Trump loss. The wild abandonment of the truth for dollars should be removed not increased.

I don’t think anyone is saying you have to lie or create “for news,” especially to make Trump look bad. But if local news looked like Hayes or Maddow before every election, it would really help progressive causes.

We live in a post-modern world where we will never have a grand narrative of a singular truth uniting us.

The left should be engaging in non-false propaganda that appeals to some but not all.

No one would watch. Only the olds watch local news these days. I think there’s no issue with creating a ‘progressive’ network (zero exist unless maybe you include something like Vice). The issue is that most people have no interest in consuming news from a progressive bent. In other words, there isn’t any money in it. This was already tried after Gore face planted at the finish line in an election he should have easily been able to win in court.

MSNBC is considered the most ‘progressive’ news channel (practically called socialist in the Trump derposhere) and yet it’s basically mostly a bunch of Dem establishment types, amorphous GOP-lite people, and fire breathing former monsters of the GOP who realized Trump was the devil destroying them. The GOP types far far outnumber the Dems on the channel. The only two true left leaners that I know on it are Lawrence and Rachel, and neither would be in the Bernie wing of the party (neither are establishment types).

What you need is people who are trustworthy (to progressives) to bring attention to the issues that matter to progressives and to report on them honestly. That’s not propaganda. Again, there’s most likely not enough money to keep the lights and/or license in that situation.

I mean, it was everyone’s favourite child rapist Democrat William J. Clinton who was most responsible for the total destruction of any oversight of the media. I don’t hold out much hope for it coming back under LolBiden.

There’s nowhere to even begin here to have a conversation. FCC oversight is with Congress with a huge influence from the executive. If no one can convince the president that news should have as little bias as possible, then obviously nothing will be done. This isn’t a cat out of the bag thing, there are tons of remedies for this to get it back on the right path.

Why do you think Fox News has ‘liberal’ hosts? It’s because they don’t want to be considered completely propaganda, something that was actually not legal (can’t remember the exact timing of when this became super lax) when the station first started but has been eroded massively since the Bush admin came in. Propaganda based news has done more harm to this country than possibly even the internet. It starts there and then spreads. I’m not on board anything that doesn’t address this issue at the head.

Maybe you also missed that Trump recently destroyed Voice of America and is now turning it into Trump propaganda for him. That’s the official state propaganda channel, but it’s never been used to push dear leader type stuff before. He’s trying to create hegemony when that’s impossible in the modern era in a country of this size.