Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Nothing in particular. The whole fucking thing.

They’re afraid the GOP will defund them if they don’t play nice.

They get most of their money from corporate sponsors, the biggest of which is Koch Industries.

They also get a bunch from Karens.

Their programming is an embarrassment.


Well, NPR has a dirty secret. They present themselves as progressive and rational, but their audience is overwhelmingly made up of privileged wealthy people. Their need to cater to their very comfortable audience means they are extremely timid about anything provocative. NPR is packed with passive, impotent third way centrist nonsense.

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Come on dude. NPR programming is very good. I was listening to Terry Gross in the car yesterday, and she and the guest spent an hour going through Stephen Miller’s history, explaining how he and his polices are very clearly white supremacist. Terry used the exact phrase “kids in cages”.

Almost all of their programming is like that. Liberal hosts talking about issues from a liberal perspective. Even the stonks guy on NPR repeats that the markets are divorced from the real economy people live in, and the show runs segments on people getting crushed by student debt and other liberal causes celebre.

The only problem with NPR is specifically their day-to-day political news coverage, which fully embraces the view from nowhere. That is what everybody rightfully complains about, but it’s only a narrow slice of their programming.


I mean, sure, the stuff from 9am - 4pm and after 6pm is fine. Marketplace is pretty good.

But the vast majority of their listeners are tuning in from 7am - 9am and 4pm - 6pm. And that “coverage” is legitimately offensive. Like punch the damn radio offensive. They have Jonah Goldberg on that stupid-ass Steve Inskeep show like 3 times a week and treat him like some kind of respectable political sage. They are the literal worst “both sides” offenders in all of media.

I haven’t listened to much NPR in the last year or so since I stopped driving to work, but Steve Inskeep was definitely the worst person they had imo. He’s gotta be a Republican right?



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Lol hope she talks the whole time about how she so so much wants bullying to stop.


Today is the day she finally becomes FLOTUS


“Democracy dies in darkness, the Post ’s slogan declares. But it can suffocate in hypocrisy, too.”

Glasgow Melania literally made my ears hurt.

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Protip, subscribe to the Fresh Air podcast. Can see who the guest is and maybe sample and listen or not. The interview about Miller was good. So was the show from today(?) with Brian Stelter about his book on Fox News.




This is the CNN WH correspondent



BBC 23:23 27 Aug

Will Trump bring empathy or Armageddon?

Katty Kay

World News America presenter

Donald Trump has a choice tonight. He can revive the American carnage message of his inaugural address, paint a bleak picture of burning American cities and violence run rampant. Or he can express that empathy his wife, his senior adviser and his press secretary say he displays so readily behind closed doors.

Marrying the two would take verbal nuance few leaders are capable of. If he opts for the Armageddon message that appeals to his base, he could turn off wavering independents who trust him on the economy but don’t love his belligerent style. If he goes warm and fuzzy, his anxious base may be disappointed.

A traditional political strategist would tell him his base loves him anyway so reach for the middle. But they’ve been telling him that for three and a half years with little success. Trump has depth in his political support - his backers are deeply loyal - but what he needs to win the election is breadth.

He could surprise us tonight with a different, more inclusive tone. But with the turmoil in Kenosha, Wisconsin as the backdrop, I suspect he will find the law and order pitch more tempting.


That people think it’s not going to be the same rambling bullshit regurgitated out in mumbles and mispronunciations and this time maybe he will be different is amazing to me.