Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I don’t know how these sorts of pre-writes work at all, but it seems like putting specifics like the date and a quote from biden in it, things that you know you’ll have to change instead of just using placeholders, are just a recipe for disaster.

How about, you know, sickest?

When I talk about spots like playoff spots that have every combination of teams in them, they are all finished ready to go, no placeholders, you just choose which one to air.

The quote placeholder (if that’s what it is) is probably to show how much space they want to use for the quote. Again, they will plop something out practically the minute it gets announced and any quote they use will be the same length/one date change if necessary (normally placeholders are Lorem Ipsum whatever but that doesn’t tell you how many words they want). I would be shocked if Harris is announced that they will use the same copy they used in the leaked version. They gotta cover their butts in case she is the choice and they had advance information. Right now, they’re probably preparing to release all the ‘pre-writes’ if they don’t change the copy and she is the choice.

It’s okay. The Democrats will be more than happy to take up the slack of negotiating against the Democrats.

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So close!

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The poor choice here is not going with the less subtle ‘only following orders’. You need to be damn obvious these days.

From 3 months ago:



$600 PUA effectively ended around July 21 unless you receive a paper check. GJGE politico.

MAGA Habes and crew are on their bullshit again:


Jesus fucking Christ. “He can’t actually do that” is not the same as “shouldn’t be taken literally”. Anyone who doesn’t think they should be taken literally at this point is dumber than Trump is.

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I don’t know, it’s not like they’re literally going to put people in concentration camps at the border, they’re not going to literally snatch peaceful protesters off the street and speed them away in unmarked vans. STOP BEING SO HYSTERICAL!


ABC News:


damnit, came here to post this

CBS WH correspondent.

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I had to look up who Nick Cannon is.

Cannon endorsed conspiracies about Jewish control of finance, claimed that Jews had stolen the identity of black people as the “true Hebrews”,

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So it could be performative, but it could also be sincere, and for folks like this, it might be better to give them the benefit of the doubt. When you shut people down, they tend to dig in.