Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

For comparison: „Der Spiegel“ linked to a clip of her speech using the headline „Moving speech: US representative Ocasio-Cortez counters F***cking bitch insult“

They also apparently can’t fathom that a conservative white guy who represents a conservative district who chooses to curse out AOC in front of the media might just have been engaging in his own form of “brand building.”


I think he’s just passionate about freedom.

Why so cynical? Maybe he just hates women.

How dare you! He has a wife and daughters, y’know.

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good lord


I assumed that was The NY Times Pitchbot parody account. What the fuck.

Lololololll what is this shit

Mr. Trump, who has long been a master of imagery


John Oliver is still awesome

Poor Mitch! This is fucking embarrassing.




I like how NBC types out the full number when it comes to healthcare related expenditures but for the pentagon oh it’s just this little 3 digit number


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Complain to them about it as they might do something about that. Start with a tweet at the actual account and see if anything happens.

lol politico accidentally released a pre-write. whoops.One quick question though…how do you get a quote from Joe Biden about this? Either they know the pick and leaked it early by “accident” or they are making shit up, either of which is terrible.

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In TV where outcomes are unknown (playoff games, etc.), all possible outcomes are produced and finished so it can go to air immediately after the previous game is decided (think losers’ shirts at the Super Bowl as an example).

That’s probably what happened here and someone screwed up by letting one of those out. I don’t necessarily think it’s an indicator since they don’t actually know when Biden will be making a formal announcement yet and certainly want to be among the first to post it.

I know they do it. I know what a pre-write is. What I don’t understand is how they have a quote in there.

I didn’t see that quote, but it’s pretty lol and probably just a placeholder. But who knows maybe they really did screw up.

Quote seems fake

Seems like malarkey.