Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

That might be the single most embarrassing media output of the Trump Era. Good god.

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I miss Megan Amram tweeting that every day.

280(!) WSJ journalists signed a letter to the publisher eviscerating the lol opinion page.

“Opinion’s lack of fact-checking and transparency, and its apparent disregard for evidence, undermine our readers’ trust and our ability to gain credibility with sources.”



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Newsweek is just a trademark whose most recent prior owner was literally a cult. All the former staff are gone. It’s basically just a shell for clicks and ads now, milking the last remnants of its prior relevance.



This time with a source.

When I was much younger my parents had a Newsweek subscription and that may be a part of why I developed a nerdy interest in politics. There was always a proto-clickbaity element to the covers: they were designed to catch your eye when you were in line at the grocery store. But still it was a legit news outlet. Kind of sad to see its corpse abused in this way.

Can we just talk about the layout, like the visual design? I know nothing about graphics or fonts or all that, but by god this is a hot mess. It looks like some alcoholic on a bender slapped it together on his iPhone.

You’re right about the clickbait element. I got Newsweek for a year or two in college in the 90s and always kind of resented its general superficiality and shallowness. That said, it was big, important, had resources, and sometimes had solid feature articles. It basically died like a decade ago.

Time has suffered a similar if less steep decline and is now owed by some shit company.

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I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for Newsweek because I had something published in it, but yes, how the mighty have fallen.< /humble brag>

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If that’s true, writing a monumentally stupid Trump article that the internet passes around saying “Hey! Look at this stupid article!” is actually pretty smart.

Maybe they writing an article about Ivanka’s balancing the challenge of raising X kids with creating millions of jobs for hard working Americans.


John Kass is a poor man’s Tucker Carlson.

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Sweet fancy Moses



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Replace Chuck Toad with a frozen bag of pee.


That little R** caught me out last night, showing previous T Pressers and I unmuted his ass, sad.




Please do not give these assholes money.


They literally can’t conceive that her impassioned public speaking is on behalf of something other than her personal brand because they are themselves soulless career climbers who would use such an opportunity to advance their brand and career. This is pretty classic projection.