Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Yes. YEEEEESSS. Fuck yeah. Not enough JackNicholsonNodding.gifs in the world.



Noah Garfinkel is what happens when a person who thinks he’s smart sees that self-proclaimed moron Joe Rogan has two hundred times more twitter followers than he does and a 100 million dollar podcast contract.

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was going to be like nfw with this but upon further examination

If Joe Rogan were self-aware about how dumb he is, he’d know it would be immoral to have a podcast.

McDonald’s sells the most hamburgers, so clearly theirs is the best hamburger in the world

I’m not even arguing that Rogan is Actually Good, although I think his standup is funny and I enjoy his podcast when he’s got guests on I’m already interested in. I’m saying that “Joe Rogan is vastly overestimating his intelligence” is a bizarre line of attack since Rogan doesn’t seem to rate his intelligence very highly.

And I’m even saying you might be right! But sort by # of twitter followers is a terrible way to measure goodness or comparative goodness or especially intelligence.

Immoral? I’m so confused.

Joe Rogan is like the least offensive “dumb” media gazillionaire imaginable. He truly doesn’t seem to think he’s notably intelligent and shows signs of humility. It’s annoying that our terrible society rewards him with 100 million dollars while the best teacher in America probably makes $85k, but that’s just USA#1 deal with it.


I’m mostly just saying Noah is a jealous hater and it’s weird that tweet went viral since that line of attack only makes sense to people who hate Rogan without actually having listened to anything he’s said. Well never mind, I guess it’s not weird, I just explained it.

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This represents 60% of all modern criticism. :grin:

I have actually only listened to one episode of his show when he had on Alex Honnald so can’t comment on Rogan myself.

From what I’ve seen of Joe Rogan I suspect that part of his humility act is just a cover to allow him to play the “just asking questions” game when he is confronted for having terrible people and charlatans on his show.

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I agree but it’s hard to hate a guy who endorsed Bernie.

I guess we should be happy it took Trump 3 years to find out he has his own propaganda network.

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computer, enhance

I think if a genie granted me the ability to name one Twitter user and I’d never have to read any of their godawful smarmy tweets ever again, Rick Wilson would have to top the list. He’s so fucking tedious.

Of course he does.

Did everybody know his full name is Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson? I just found that out.


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