Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

ahahahahahaha so this Rick Wilson confederate cooler is because someone spent all day digging into his old social media after he tried to get Dominos canceled over an 8 year old tweet, right?


Timing is everything.


Oh thats nice. A white supremacist who lied about his membership in a Nazi group to get into the country is going to lead our State media.

It does’t make it any better, obviously, but I’ve been reading an ongoing series of articles about the formation of what became Radio Free Europe in the aftermath of WW2, and it involving Nazi collaborators from Eastern Europe is a bit par for the course.

(I’d post them but it’s a pay-walled blog.)


Did we ever figure out what the big Project Lincoln reveal was? Isn’t it supposed to come out today?

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lol it was another commercial, I think it was making fun of trump for having dementia or some shit, I watched like 5 seconds

Still waiting as far as I know

I think this was the big reveal lol unless the big reveal is like the movie that rick Wilson raised money for and is never coming out


LOL it’s such a huge grift.

The other one that has sprung up recently seems much more grassroots/legit…they’re just playing home videos that former Trump voters send in.


entire feed of these.

Speaking of twitter. the new feature they’re testing on iOS is fucking stupid.


I always had Joe Rogan as the daytime syndicated version of Coast to Coast AM. Maybe it was aliens talk for the mainstream uneducated.

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I’m officially declaring this to be Trolly’s Rule: if your ad doesn’t reference your product that you’re trying to sell, it’s a shitty ad. By god, there isn’t a single car maker or burger chain or soft drink company that puts out ads which slam the competition but don’t even mention the product the product they’re trying to sell. No company markets themselves this way.

Like, imagine if McDonalds put out ads telling us that Burger King is gross and we shouldn’t eat there but never once ever mentions McDonalds. Your audience is gonna be like, “well, BK is gross, guess I’ll stay home and have a TV dinner.” No one markets their products this way; it’s insane. But the eDems and Lincoln Project grifters are so horny for this bullshit.

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This feels disrespectful to the legacy of Art Bell and George Noory, but it’s essentially correct.

That’s because businesses have more than one competitor.


These markets aren’t a duopoly. One case I can think of is cable versus dish. A lot of the cable company’s advertisements are just trashing their competition.

Are we gonna pretend turnout is actually high in elections?

I think there is value, in this very limited circumstance, to bombing the airwaves with evidence of Trumps baffoonery. He is so uniquely unfit, stupid, cruel, dishonest and destructive that anyone even thinking of voting for him must be reminded constantly with imagery what we’re dealing with here. That said, the Lincoln Project assholes are terrible people, period.

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Biden has another competitor! It’s called “staying home on election day” and a lot of people are going to choose this option like they did in 2016 because the Dems cannot articulate a single good reason why I should come out and vote for their candidate.

You look at how Trump markets his brand and he’s always giving schlubs positive things that Trump will do for them. A big shiny wall, jobs in a coal mine, racism, we’ll say “Christmas” again etc. etc. Nevermind that it’s all a pack of lies, he’s still telling people why they should get out and vote for his product. What’s Biden going to do for me? Why should I care, what’s in it for me? They won’t even mention Biden’s name in these ads, FFS.