Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

But I genuinely think she’s trying and been trying to get fired to do the gritting right wing circuit.


This dumbass didn’t even read the Cotton piece lol


Apparently there’s some kind of unwritten rule over at the NYT that the op-ed writers aren’t supposed to snipe at each other or talk about backstage meetings like this. This is some outstanding drama.


You would have to put real effort into finding a worse op-ed lineup.

David Brooks
Bari Weiss
Bret Stephens
Ross Douthat
Tom Friedman
Maureen Dowd (“Hillary the Hawk, Donald the Dove”)

Absolutely embarrassing.


These are some of the people who hate college students most and spend an insane amount of time railing against “campus culture,” but the average 19 year old writing for their college paper is more informed and a better writer than any of those hacks paid mid six figures a year.

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Brutal, I hate him but

  1. Friedman
  2. Dowd
  3. Weiss
  4. Douthat
  5. Stephens
  6. David Brooks

Only one I’m sure of is #6

Stephens is an order of magnitude worse than Brooks, although the sheer comedy of the bedbug episode redeemed him somewhat. God knows who of that lot I would put at #1. I haven’t read enough Dowd to know, so it’s probably her by default. Probably have Douthat #2 honestly. He’s fairly well read and book-smart and I can’t always predict what his take will be on any given issue, he has original thoughts. Friedman is thick, Weiss is lazy and vapid, Stephens and Brooks are unbearable.

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But by doing that they get the sweet feeling of self congratulation and satisfaction that only comes from both sidesing everything and showing how “above it all” they are. You can’t beat that.


Unironically big if true?

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Man, murdering black people sure is great for STONKS.

This is near the end of James Bennett’s “Why we published the Tom cotton piece” piece:

This feels almost trivially untrue to me in this day and age and there’s gotta be lots of evidence against it. The way random right wingers become more and more popular as other writers acknowledge and argue against their right wing bs, and then they fade into obscurity as soon as people start ignoring them makes it pretty clear. Like, putting dangerous ideas out in the open makes it more likely for them to gain traction.


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The NYT working hard to report the information its readers are clamoring for:


Extra! Extra! Post runs shitty editorial!



Why doesn’t the media “get it?”
