Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



In case you have forgotten or never knew, David Simon’s twitter feed is always a good read.


Good to know Zuck has a direct line into the White House. What an irredeemable piece of shit that guy is. When we redraft the worst people alive, he’s at the top of my big board.

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You want Zuck and Jack to be the arbiters of what is true and false? Fucking insane.

You think it’s going to make things worse than they are now?

Meanwhile over at the NY Times, they decided now is the time for…a puff piece on Bill Barr.

Yes? Unelected tech executives deciding what speech is allowed on the internet and what speech isn’t allowed seems awful.

God I hate this newspaper

Here’s the so-called journalists prior work:

It depends on the regulatory model. Feel free to lol lawbro or whatever, but there is a theoretically valid model that goes something like:

Define category of entities, inclusive of social media sites, responsible for assessing the truthfulness of their content
Define penalties for failure
Prosecute entities that fail to fulfill their duties

Is this easy? Heck no. But it is also not equivalent to delegating the decision making on truthfulness to the social media sites. Much regulation works like this - the alternative is to create a Ministry of Truth that preapproves all content and that is at best burdensome and at worst dystopian.

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I haven’t thought about it too much but I feel like:

Regulated as a utility >> 3rd party academics doing fact checks >> Appointed/Elected arbiters >> companies doing internal fact checks >> current free-for-all situation

But it’s clearly never going to get better, unless they get broken up or there’s a fundamental change in our government.

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What’s wrong with the libel/defamation system of speech regulation we had before Facebook and Twitter?

I agree that Facebook and maybe Twitter regulated as a utility would be best. But if you regulate Facebook as a utility wouldn’t you have to extend First Amendment protections to the users? You can’t say this is the national social network platform and then regulate the speech on the platform in ways that violate the user’s First Amendment rights.

Who does a false campaign ad libel or defame? Who has standing to sue because there is no antifa and if there were it wouldn’t be an anarchist terrorist organization?

The same “problem” existed before Facebook

This is true but regulations evolve as circumstances change. There’s no inconsistentcy with supporting existing applicable laws and adding more regulations that at targeted at the acute problem.

OK but it seems like those additional regulations should enacted by getting a law passed by Congress and then not stricken down by the courts. Not begging Zuck to take down posts you don’t like.

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Yea that’s for sure something that they would have to deal with if they regulate the platforms, but that’s a little bit too much lawbroing for me.


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Jesus fucking christ NYT. Cannot imagine paying these imbeciles money.


Media is definitely going to get Trump re elected.


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