Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

What’s that? Getting back to work till the ripe old age of 45?

In which Bari Weiss doesn’t understand an alternative use of “own:”



Article on the Washington Post: “Why the flyovers by the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds angered me”

Oh shit, maybe some mainstream outlet is picking up on the fact that a military celebration is a stupid way to celebrate front-line healthcare workers, especially since it brought thousands of people out of their houses interacting.

What angered me was the horrific bungling that made such a noble gesture necessary.



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Sinclair Broadcast Group was meant to be the new Fox News, a conservative media outlet that would become an even more vocal proponent of President Trump and his policies as it took control of local televisions from coast to coast. As Sinclair’s leaders forged ties with the White House, the company’s move to buy a rival group of TV stations at one point appeared assured.

But after a series of reports raised concerns about Sinclair’s chumminess with federal agencies, there was a sudden reversal fortune. Instead of taking control of 215 stations across the country, as it had hoped when it broached the idea of buying Tribune Media in 2017, the company ended up with a booby prize: a fine of $48 million.

On Wednesday, the Federal Communications Commission ordered the company to pay the penalty, which it called the largest ever meted out against a broadcaster in the commission’s 86-year history. The fine stemmed from three investigations of the company and its thwarted attempt to acquire Tribune Media, another large operator of local TV stations, the F.C.C. said.

“Sinclair’s conduct during its attempt to merge with Tribune was completely unacceptable,” Ajit Pai, the commission’s chairman, said in a statement. “Today’s penalty, along with the failure of the Sinclair/Tribune transaction, should serve as a cautionary tale to other licensees seeking commission approval of a transaction in the future.”

You hate to see it. I wonder how they acted out so egregiously that hall of fame industry lickspittle Ajit Pai felt the need to slap their wrist?

Let’s wait until they have exhausted all appeals and have actually paid a single red cent.

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What the hell do right wing media types think is going on in colleges? All their garbage views are built on complete fairy tales.

Youre going to get killed economically not because our late stage crony capitalist economy will exploit you, but because colleges teach reality.

Yeah seriously I got a lot more libertarian propaganda thrown at me than leftist propaganda during my time in college. Maybe it’s because I went to college for economics, but it was pretty right leaning tbh.

The most leftwing thing I experienced in university was that a ton of obviously useless research was being conducted and funded by government grants. Even so, the secondary and tertiary benefits of those research grants probably paid for themselves in the long run. Like, I learned some basic programming and office/workplace skills that I still rely on 25 years later even though the research papers I generated contributed absolutely nothing to science.

Econ profs, at least at major research universities, seem to lean left these days.


That’s not evidence of bias, though. The GOP is literally anti-reality and anti-fact.

Soooooooooooo this. Academics spend their lives in pursuit of knowledge and information. Of course they would be left, especially now. It’s like polling the cattleman’s association and be shocked they aren’t all vegans.


I loled at the sports team being called the Social Justice Warriors.

I need a Social Justice Warriors video game where the hero mows down a bunch of right-wing caricatures in bloody fashion with an assortment of weapons.

I can’t find Waldo.